by Rachael.
Sunday 15th October: An early start much to my dislike but worth it. Meeting at the boatshed, we were 2nd there, Tim and myself. Found Carol asleep in her car. Had she been there all night? She’s taking this dive competition a bit far as she is ahead anyway. Watch out Harry she’s after your lead!
All setting off in convoy, all the kit in Stewarts van. Cyril and Tony driving the passenger wagons, no not passion wagons. Wishful thinking.
Stewart leading the way, his navigation not being too good. Well it was an early start. We’ll see if his underwater nav is any better ha ha.
There were 13 of us altogether mostly wanting to train towards their qualifications, some for sheer pleasure.
I was paired up with Carol, both wanting to be in first to dive the virgin waters.
Mission on:- kitted up, buddy check, brief and in the water 1st.
Lovely dive – water was clear, well it was until we finned off. Sorry folks those that followed behind didn’t get such good vis.
Making our way to the wreckage, seeing training platform and the boat and what we think was the mine.
On the way back swimming shallow so we could explore the life – an abundance of muscles scallops, small anemones and sponges. {Ed: guess who’s just done the Marine Life ID course then!}
I was determined to be in there for an hour but my computer froze on 59 minutes. I was not impressed. Freezing cold and desperate for a widddle and nothing to show for it. Well except a good dive.
Back on land Geoff and his family were slaving over a hot BBQ for our benefit.
The only trouble was we were all so well fed we didn’t feel like diving again – but we forced ourselves.
Time to dive again, this time I buddied with Mary as Carol had left me to do a practical the slut. Mmm resuscitation with Matt and Tim.
Shame it wasn’t Robbie Williams or George Clooney. I could be persuaded to blow into their noses, snot or no snot (no puns gentlemen please).
Mary had a little problem as her cylinder was out of test, so the man refused to fill her up – he didn’t offer her £2 back either. Good job Cyril was in top form or he would have made a profit. So the dive was improvised. 90 bar to do the deed.
This time we found the dive chamber, this was where my navigation went wrong. I managed to go in a straight line, but swimming a bit too far, missing the next wreck altogether. Only to find ourselves on the other side of the water – oops. It was fate I think as we had a very enjoyable last 10 mins.
Seeing crabs, big fish? Plenty of Gobi’s, sponges, small coral and eels very enjoyable. {Ed: see what I mean?}
On arrival back at base we had to go on a search and rescue for Carols mask. Lost as practiced AV.
Washing kit off under freezing shower. The best bit of the day was still to come. A lovely hot shower mmm. Better than sex – well at the time it was. {Ed: sorry, no photo available}
Then a guided tour by Geoff to see the rebreathers used by Royal Navy. £27,000 each!!! I tried to lift one, wow what a weight – not for me I have enough trouble with the kit I’ve got.
Well to sum up the day.
- Easy access to dive site
- Good for training purposes
- Lovely Food (thanks again Geoff)
- Air on site (although the fill is very stingy)
- Hot showers
- Water to clean kit before going Home
CONGRATULATIONS to Liz Butterfield on completing her Club Diver qualification.
Oh and of course to finish off, a trip to the pub.
Perfect end to a perfect day………
Page created and maintained by Tim Clouter. Last updated on: 15-May-2001