by Tim Clouter & Jo Belcher.
Posted Online : Monday 6 November 2006
The evening started well, we agree the previous AGM minutes, then all who attended participated in a buffet and enjoyed the free flowing wine (kindly supplied by the event in the next room!).
We had reports from the Chairman, the Diving Officer and the Treasurer. In summary they reported the following.
Things had settled down over the past 12 months having relocated the boat shed, moving pools twice and changing our club night. We are enjoying good relationships with both our Landlords. We have had an influx of new members, so the membership is looking healthy. The past year has seen a healthy amount of diving both in this country and abroad and we have continued to dive every month of the year. We have 2 good boats and managed to purchase new kit despite having increased outgoings due to the boat shed and the pool. We are in good financial position and it was agreed that club fee should remain unchanged.
Then treat number 2. The Chairman then did something out of the ordinary, he presented 2 of our oldest (both in age and length of membership) with Honourary lifetime membership of the club, after reminiscing about the amount diving has changed in the last 40 years.
The 2006-07 committee was then elected.
All in all a very enjoyable evening. We should hold them more often 😉
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