by Tim & Kevin.
15th February, 2015 :Not long back from a really great day of club diving Chesil Cove. The weather was gorgeous and apart from a short yet vicious little surf that really didn’t want to let you to leave, the sea was as flat as a millpond. Not too cold either. The vis unfortunately however was dire, which was a great shame as only a matter of a few days ago it was stunning with videos to prove it.
In the end the 10 whittled down to 6 of us, but in spite of the poor viz we all had some very enjoyable dives and a really good day out. We stopped half way home at the appropriately named, Half Way House where we had a delicious meal, some good beer and a good debrief and raised our glasses to absent friends.
Congratulations to Kevin who performed an excellent CBL and 25m tow and lead the next dive with perfect navigation to complete his Ocean Diver training.
Congratulations also to our birthday Boy — Rich, who was embarrassed, amused and delighted (all at the same time) when his treacle sponge and custard pudding arrived adorned with a lit tea light.
The very, very good news at Portland is air is available at the local dive shop (near the O-Three roundabout ) for £2 / fill up to 15 litre. They are open 9 to 5 on Saturday and Sunday. So if filling 2 empty tanks when you arrive and again when you leave after your diving, would cost you only £8. I shared a lift and the fuel bill came in at less than £10 each (less than the entry fee to local quarries). We parked for free too! (Not all of us, although there was plenty of space. Ed.)
So a very enjoyable and economical day which we will definitely be doing again! Watch this space.