The diving season has now started and our first expedition of the season has happened.
As normal we visited Alston Farm and the Salcombe area in early April, although the surrounding areas around Hope Cove and sites from the Salcombe estuary where blown out, we had Hallsands beach as a reserve site and we managed to get some diving completed. Some of our new trainees were given their first sea dives from this site and once they had overcome their initial nerves, they enjoyed the experience of the offshore reef very much. This dive site become very popular as the weekend’s weather did not improve. I met some divers from Bath branch and managed to have a short shore dive with one of them to show what was available for their trainees.
As may have been predicted we had problems with the boat. Although it was given a major service late last year, it let us down again and we were unable to use it to get some deep dives completed
We were all kept fit by the effort that went into launching and then recovering the boat in such a short period of time. My thanks go to Alan of Hallsands for the help he gave to us.
This site was again visited the following weekend, where the sun shone and although the wind was very strong, it was offshore. The underwater visibility had improved yet again and I had a chat to some divers from Southampton Branch, who were enjoying all the facilities that this dive site has to offer. Our short stay underwater was enjoy by those who took the effort to come, with lots of life to marvel at.
If there is anyone willing to organise a dive or expedition not yet publicised please let me know as soon as possible or add it to the planner on the notice board.
Andy Wilson is away for the next few weeks, but has made arrangements for the confined water training to continue. My thanks go to Cyril Hucker and Tim Clouter, who have stepped into the breach.
Anyone who requires open water training or assessments needs to let me know as soon as possible, so that I can make arrangements for them to happen. There have been dives available this year, which have not been utilised for training when they could have been
The changes to the BSAC qualifications have been put on hold for some time, but when they do come into force we hope to adopt them as soon as possible.
On a special note
My congratulations go to Tim for passing his Club Instructors exam, my condolences go to Cyril who did not, but thanks to them both for trying and giving their time and efforts in the attempt.
The Mercury engine is soon to be looked at, so hopefully the fault will be rectified before the end of the month. The Johnson will be look at, at the same time, so there should be a boat available if required. Look on the notice board for boat working party dates or better still find Bob Abbott and ask him when the next one will be.
Dates for your diary
Dive Leader lectures – See me for any lectures you may require.
24th April (Social Night) – Go – Karting (see Mike Oates for information)
30th April – 3rd May – Kimmeridge weekend (tentative)
14th – 21st May – Red Sea expedition
23rd May – Club wreck (Bretagne)
We have three more Tryout Nites planned over the coming months, so I will be seeking help for the pool sessions. Please have a look at the rota that has been drawn up to see if you are needed.
DO’s thought for the month
Harry Ryalls