“From birth, man carries the weight of gravity on his shoulders. He is bolted to the earth. But man has only to sink beneath the surface, and he is free.” – Jacques Cousteau
Over 70% of the Earth is covered by water, why not explore it all? Diving lets you experience weightlessness in exhilarating environments most will never see; it’s great fun and with proper training, safer than many other sports. With the latest technology you can be toasty warm & wrecks in our own waters like the Persier and James Egan Layne can be awe-inspiring, while scenic locations like the Mewstone & Hilsea Point Rocks provide a profusion and variety of life in sharp contrast to the calm above.
Never Dived? No problem, just £20 secures a one-to-one personal instruction evening pool try-dive session. Bring a costume, old t-shirt & towel, we supply the rest (mask, fins, cylinder, regulators and buoyancy jacket).
Want to Train? Become qualified with training from our expert instructors with the biggest and longest running (est: 1953) dive club in the world – the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC)
Already qualified? We welcome divers from other recognised diving organisations (PADI, CMAS, NAUI, SSI, SDI etc.) who want to cross over to BSAC (info here) and extend their qualifications or just dive.
Contact us here
What did you do at the weekend? from BSAC on Vimeo.
Club Facilities
- Pool: Badminton school pool for training / try dives (details here) and kit storage
- Bar & Gym: BAWA facilities for aprè-pool sessions through affiliated membership (here)
- Boats: Two, a 4.8m & 5.5m RHIB (Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat) with equipment (oxygen, radios and navigation)
- Wreck: We own the SS Bretagne, a 232ft long, 1439 ton single screw steamer, which sank with a cargo of coal on 10th August 1918 after a collision. Upright on an even keel 18m to the deck, 25m to the seabed. -> details
Octopush! – The nearest thing to underwater hockey! – usually played on Mondays after the diving and swimming. The aim: try to gouge your opponent’s ears off with a wooden paddle while five or more of the opposing team (and some of your own!) pin you to the bottom of the pool preventing you from surfacing for a breath. From there you can try to score for your team by shooting a puck into the opponent team’s goal.
Seriously, it’s challenging, physical, great fun & a good way to build stamina, skills and confidence in and under water. Here’s a report from one of our young female players, of some time ago. A First Hand account The British Octopush Association
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