After two hugely successful TV series Blue Planet is coming back to TV & this time it’s live!
The time could not be more right with increasing concern and building awareness of the fragility of our marine ecosystem this series can only help to achieve the necessary crescendo of support to make those in charge of building our future take notice.
Blue Planet II, the enormously successful sequel to the 2001 Blue Planet series arrived in 2017/2018 and as well as serving to highlight the majestic beauty of our oceans it also devoted an entire episode to the risks and issues facing this fabulous resource.
Blue Planet Live focuses on the great pressures confronting life in our oceans and investigates the effect human impact has had on our marine ecosystem over a series of 4 episodes.
Please do what you can to encourage everyone you can to watch and help change the way we think about the ocean from a bottomless giant dustbin that we can keep pouring our throwaway convenience rubbish into (until we want to take a nice beach holiday) to a recognition that species extinction & catastrophic global change is on the horizon.
Sunday 24th March at 8pm on BBC1: be there and prepare to be counted.