by Pete.
16th November, 2010 : This years’ photo competition was slightly different. Entries were printed on up to A4 and displayed at the club each Monday evening. Voting then took place using PEN AND PAPER (That’s the luddite vote secured !!!! )

First place: Risbeccia nudibranch – Geoff

Second place: Clown fish in bubble anemone – Geoff

Third place: Divers on El Mina – Cyril

Fourth place: Splendid Spooner crab –

Fifth place: Napoleon wrasse – Geoff

Sixth place: Clam close up -Geoff

Seventh place: Wot you looking at? scorpion fish – Cyril

Eighth place: Red Sea Banner Fish – Cyril

Ninth place: The benefits of nitrox, composite picture – Steve

Tenth place: DO with Anthias in the foreground – Duncan

Pajama nudibranch

Propellor of the Salem Express

Moray eel, no not a duck


Dogfish at Plymouth

The Club boats getting ready at Mountbatten pontoon

Exotic from warm water? No, close up of an urchin at Plymouth

Diving trophies mounted to commemorate Tim’s 1000th

Ball bearings on the slew ring of one of the inverted turrets of the SS Bayern, Scapa Flow

Open, Scapa Flow

DL lifting bag exercise

Clown fish

Spanish Dancer

Next stop, 5 days

Jewell anenomies
