The winter is drawing to a close and our thoughts are turning toward the forthcoming diving season.
Training has been progressing throughout the winter with many Sundays morning being utilised with a visit to that joyous dive site BARROW TANKS, which has been used for assessment dives for all levels.
All those that attended have stated that the last dive site was the best, the local pub, where we carried out all our debriefs.
As soon as the weather allows us we will be transferring to the briny to complete all those skills that require more depth.
As in previous years, a dive program has been drawn up, and with the help of various expedition organisers, a busy year is anticipated, hopefully the weather will be a bit more kinder to us that in the past. Dive expeditions have again been planned to the Red Sea; this seems to be a popular dive destination with our club. Another expedition is planning to visit Cuba with a local dive school, so reports of this destination are eagerly awaited by those who remain at home. There will be many UK sites revisited by the club, with favourite dive site included within the dive program.
If there is anyone willing to organise a dive or expedition not yet published, please let me know as soon as possible or add it to the planner on the notice board.
Andy Wilson is our Training Officer for this year.
We have adopted the new Club Diver training package, recently launched by the BS-AC, into our branch-training program and are currently running our second course of Club Diver.
(I must remind those that are still on the old Novice/Sports Diver training program that it is due to end at the end of this year.)
The lecture program and pool work for this course is running to plan and there is no foreseeable hold-ups anticipated,
I must remind those currently within the training program to remember to notify either Andy or myself if they are unable to attend either a lecture or pool session. This has not been happening and some of those who are giving the confined water training have found no trainees to take into the pool. This is non-acceptable, as they are giving their time freely.
There are further changes to the BSAC qualification levels coming in to force in the near future and we hope to adopt these as soon as possible, so as to allow our membership to continue their diver training progression
The club boats are due for a service, one of the engines had a major overhaul last year, the other engine will also be done professionally, the boats and trailers will need your help. Remember they are there for you needs, and it is only fair that you share in their up-keep. Look on the notice board for working party dates or better still find Bob Abbott and ask him when the next working party will be.
Dates for your diary
Dive Leader lectures – See me for any lectures you may require.
2nd – 5th April – Salcombe
18th April – Club wreck (Bretagne)
14th – 21st May – Red Sea expedition
23rd May – Club wreck (Bretagne)
To all those that have helped on our recent Tryout Night’s. These have raised a good income that goes towards keeping the club pool equipment in a serviceable condition.
We have at least three more nights planned over the coming months so I will be seeking your help again.
Harry Ryalls