Diving Officer’s Report: Mark Stinchcombe
The weather has been abysmal, and I thought that this had significantly affected diving, for example the number of quarry dives must be a record with 147 at Cromhall alone. A total of 1010 dives! were logged by members past and present, with another 5 by opportunity buddies. A staggering 571 dives were overseas!
The 50 year anniversary celebration, which added to the Cromhall total, was just fantastic and just shows what an extraordinary group of people have made up and contributed to the club past and present.
Just to emphasize how bad the weather generally was, when I’m not diving I’m always looking at the weather to see if it’s an opportunity missed. This year this occurred on only two occasions, whereas previous years there have been many. On the first occasion I was on my boat in Plymouth, the conditions were good, however the sea was pea green soup. On the other, the club went to the Bretagne, however I was otherwise engaged.
Given the quantity of diving has been low, the quality has been good. Even with poor conditions in Ireland we still managed exceptional diving including minke whales. It was very cold at 10 degrees, that’s the coldest summer diving I’ve done which includes the Norwegian Fiords. What’s that rumour about global warming? We have done some fantastic dives on the Baygitano, the Bretagne, West Wales, Portland and more. We have a new Clique forming, the retired and part timers who have managed a few mid week excursions, although I think more have been cancelled than took place. Once again we have been to some exciting destinations, Cape Verde, Borneo, Mallorca, Cromhall, makes the Red Sea seem mundane.
The most number of dives was Tim with 87 and Jo second with 76.
Sunday 21st December, 2008 : Cromhall – Fun (Rob, Tim, Mike, Mary, Jo, Simon)
Thanks to all those who came to Cromhall Quarry for our traditional Xmas dive. Some went in the water (a sensible 7 degrees after the heat of the Red Sea) and some ………….didn’t. However we all enjoyed the hot dogs and bacon rolls brought by Rob and cooked by Bob. Thanks to Rob for organising it and to everyone who brought tables, stove, utensils, kettle etc.
Sunday 14th December, 2008 : Cromhall – Fun dive (Tim, Jo)
Cromhall today – mirror flat calm before we disturbed it. Very beautiful, but can you see what’s wrong with the picture below?
Thursday 27th November – Thursday 4th December, 2008 : Cuba – Fun (Mike W, Sheila W)
- Kate, Cayo Coco
- La Lindra, Cayo Coco
- La Academia, Cayo Coco
- Alijandra, Cayo Coco
- Las Batea, Trinidad
- El Salto, Cayo Coco
Saturday 15th – 20th November, 2008 : Red Sea Wrecks Tour – Fun (Bob, Cyril, Duncan, Geoff, Ian Con, John, Julja, Laurence, Mary, Mathew B, Mike D, Neil, Stewart, Sue R) – see report elsewhere
- Gota Shāab El Erg
- Shāab Umm Usk
- Carnatic, Abu Nuhas – wreck
- Ghiannis D, Abu Nuhas – wreck
- The Alternatives
- Ras Mohamed (Jolanda & Shark Reef)
- Ras Mohamed (Anemone City)
- Thistlegorm – wreck
- Ulysses – wreck, small Gubal Island
- Bluff Point & Barge – wreck
- Rosalie Moller – wreck
- Big Siyul Island
- Umm Gamar
- Fanous Reef
Friday 17th – Monday 20th October, 2008 : Cyprus – Fun (Mike D, Alan)
- Cynthia Point
- Sea Caves
- Zenobia – wreck
- Agios Geogios
Saturday 18th October, 2008 : The Bretagne – see report elsewhere
Friday 17th October, 2008 : Brixham – Training (Duncan, Bob G, David E)
Saturday 27th September, 2008 : The Baygitano – see report elsewhere
Sunday 31st August – Friday 5th September, 2008 : Baltimore, Ireland – Fun (Tim…)
Sunday 6th July : NDAC, Chepstow – Training & Depth progression (Mike, Matt, Chris H, David, Paul)
- 10 dives, max 43 minutes and 26.7 metres. Viz was 2 metres
- Weather was cloudy and warm; water temperature 10C
- Attendees: Stewart, Cyril, John, Mike, Chris H., David
- 12 dives (16.7m max. 42 minutes)
Sunday 27th April : Brixham Breakwater Beach – Ocean & Sports Diver Training + Orientation
- Attendees:John, Chris H, Les, Ruth, Cyril, Stewart, Bob G., Matt, Christos, David, Mandy, Sheila, Mike
- 23 dives (8.4m max. 33 minutes)
- Calm & Sunny (started then turned to cloud). Vis: 2m turning to 1m
- Comments: You need to bring all your air requirements with you as no air there. There is a nice cafe for tea etc. and toilets are in the car park. There is also an excellent website www.thebreakwater,co.uk
- Many thanks to Cyril, Stewart and Matt for sorting out the days dive planning,
- Bob had a leaking dry suit so dive aborted. Sheilas computer failed. All shore dives had shore cover & assistance.
Saturday 19th April : NDAC, Chepstow – Orientation Training
- Attendees: Sue, Duncan, Chris H., Sue E (PADI)
- 8 dives 20.3 m max, 38 mins
- Comments: Chris had an AS freeflow problem on setting up kit so hired regs for the day
Saturday 12th April to Saturday 19th April : Malta – Fun – see report elsewhere
Sunday 13th April : Brixham – Training: Ocean & Sports Diver (OS1) + Dry suit Orientation Dives
- Attendees: (Sue, Matt, Julia, Christos, Duncan, John, Chris H.)
- 12 dives.21 to 44 minutes , 8.5 max depth
- Comments: I’d just like to say thank you very much to Matt (Dive Leader) and Julia (both Dive Marshall with Chris Assist, who came down to Brixham yesterday and provided training and shore cover for us all. They worked very hard and we all had a very enjoyable day. And Christos has now been in open water for the first time. Julia was shore cover & assist to divers entering & exiting the water.
Sunday 30 March : Ocean & Sports Diver Training + Orientation Dives at Cromhall Quarry
- Attendees: (Cyril, Stewart, Sue, Ruth, Les, Chris, Matt, Dave, Jo, Simon).
- 14 dives (Dive set 1: 9 divers, max 16m / 43m) (training & gnome deployment) (Dive set 2: 5 divers, max 15m / 35m – various shell & flower deployment!)
Sunday 20th January, 2008 : Training (Tim…)