Learn to Scuba dive with Aerodivers and The British Sub-Aqua Club, the most prestigious diving organisation in the world.
A BSAC Ocean Diver is a person who is trained to be competent in the safe and correct use of aqualung equipment. He or she has gained open water experience and is considered ready to take part in dives, partnered by a diver of the same or higher grade, providing the dive has the explicit approval of the Branch Diving Officer or the Dive Marshal.
This is the BSAC entry level diver grade and training is divided into a number of elements to enable the trainee to progressively gain the required knowledge in a series of structured lessons, building confidence and keeping safety uppermost. These elements are theory lessons (7), sheltered water lessons (5), theory assessment (1), and open water lessons (5).
BSAC Ocean Diver training pack contents overview from BSAC on Vimeo.
Theory lessons are either conducted in a function room at BAWA or in a house, depending on number of trainees, sheltered water lessons will usually be held at a swimming pool while the open water lessons will be at a scenic quarry or the sea. There is also a requirement for some home study to prepare for a theory assessment.
Within our club training can start at 14 with parental consent. It will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills needed to prepare you for open water diving. Learning to dive is all about learning to use your equipment correctly, confidently and above all safely.
Typically an Ocean Diver qualification can be achieved in about three months, however there is no time restriction imposed on training within the branch and members can learn at a pace they are comfortable with. Members can then progressively gain further experience before, if they wish, embarking on Sports Diver Training – the next level and beyond…
As a trainee member of aerodivers you will have access to a selection of SCUBA equipment, though we do ask that you acquire your own mask and snorkel – we can provide plenty of advice on how to choose the most suitable models for you.
Further information is available on the official BSAC site:-
- A selection of official BSAC Ocean Diver videos illustrating some of the skills you will learn on this course
- Detailed information about what you can expect on the Ocean Diver Course
- Quizzes (for Ocean, Sports & Dive Leader courses)