by Tim.
Saturday 22nd December, 2007 : I promised warmer times (& if not then festive food & hot drinks!) and so it was to be (7 degrees C!) with a very satisfactory turnout of both divers and onlookers including Bob, Mark, Cecilia, Chris La, Steve, Sue, Mandy, Cyril, Stewart, Sue R, yours truly et al!
We were treated to Scuba Santa and her helpers preparing for the big day (although the children didn’t seem included to wade in to join him!)
One of our most recent recruits, Mandy, braved the water for her second Open Water dive – in a semi-dry – brrrrr!!! while others searched for the rumoured new aircraft cockpit & instead ended up wishing a few newts Happy Xmas
Sue R provided an extravaganza of food – jacket spuds, tea, coffee… gratefully devoured by all
Thanks to all who supported the event, plus Tim, Sue and Steve & Chris (master cooks) and Cyril as part time cook
I wish everyone a happy Christmas and plentiful safe diving next year