by Pete.
24th July, 2013 :This Sunday 28 July will be Severnside’s biggest ever annual Summer Yard Party in joint celebration of Bristol’s own historic Harbour Festival and BSAC’s 60th Anniversary!

All money raised from the event (including a fantasic array of raffle prizes) will go to support club activities along with the RNLI (Registered Charity no. 209603) and the DDRC (Registered Charity no. 279652).
Based adjacent to the Underfall Yard and close to Brunel’s famous locks in the shadow of the grade I listed Clifton Suspension Bridge, the club will be throwing upon its yard as well as the boat house doors at The Old Stable Block in The Cambria Yard on the dockside.
Kicking off at 1pm and lasting ’til late, the party will feature live music from local bands including Kaleidophone and Kyotie with headline actThe Voodoo Rays taking the stage from 9pm.
There’ll also be fun for all the family with an all-day-BBQ, face-painting, games and a dedicated “Chaos Corner” for the kids (along with a well-stocked bar with beers from Box Steam Brewery for the adults). The boat house itself – the former harbour master’s stables – will also host an indoor market with a vintage clothes and plant sale.
Nix and the Committee would be very grateful of any last minute publicity for the event so please see attached copy of the information poster. Otherwise, all the relevant details are as follows:
- Club: Severnside Sub Aqua Club (Branch #0364)
- Venue: Old Stable Block, Cambria Yard, Avon Crescent, Bristol, BS1 6XQ
- Date and Time: 1pm onards on Sunday 28 July 2013
- Web:
- Email:
- Facebook:
s/617358928281915/ - Twitter: @SevernsideSAC (