The season is officially here. Summer time is also upon us, so remember to add the hour to tide tables. March followed on from February with lots of water falling from the sky. The weather also dampened some of our planned trips away to the seaside. Plymouth was again visited, but the only diving possible was within the breakwater, around Drake’s Island, as well as the bar in the Mount Batten Centre. So as last month Barrow Tanks featured strong in the logs submitted to me for validation. The only other site included in March schedule was Karrgeen, near Hope Cove, and the third outing for the new Rib, complete with our new GPS system. Sadly we could not get our minds around now to use it properly, so it’s back to the manual when all else fails. The weather for this weekend was kind and we had two glorious days before her favours were withdrawn. Carol Sheppard (Dive Marshal for the trip) takes full responsibility for this as she forgot to have a chat on the Saturday night, due to the Brandy flowing I’m told. But we did have a great time. Thank to her for all the work she put in to this weekend.
Training is ongoing. The Club Diver program is still continuing. The two new programs are posted on the club web site. Both the Sports Diver and Dive Leader lectures now have dates to start. I must apologise as the dates stated are for THE WEDNESDAY NOT THE MONDAY, and I have not had them changed yet, so please note the date is the MONDAY BEFORE. I am still hoping to run the O2course as soon as possible, but I have been very busy with regional courses of my own, (I hope to be granted my Boat Instructor Ticket in the near future) I will let you know the date as soon as I have numbers wishing to attend. So name to me ASAP.
Practical skills for all grades are being done when conditions allow and when Barrow tanks is available to us. (Or the open sea if available)
As I had very little involvement with club activates over the last month, due to my change in working pattern, the prospect of redundancy hanging over my head and other commitments, I do not have a lot to report on general matters. Carol Sheppard has organised some Rebreather sessions that started on the 20th March and are on-going until April 17th, I had a go on the first night and am writing a report on my experience for the web. I hope others taking part will also contribute a few lines.
The end of March saw us at Hope Cove for the start of our season, Carol Sheppard (There she is again, is there no-one else in the club) along with Tim Clouter and Steve Moore had planned the diving, so I stood back and took notes on the happenings. I was shocked and annoyed by some of the things that I saw on the Friday and vented my thoughts to those present that evening. There are things that need doing and one of these is helping with boat recovery, all too often it is let to a few, with the others standing and watching. It only takes a moment and a freak wave to ruin what we have taken year to achieve, so lend a hand, get your suits on and help with the recovery, many hands make safe work.
I am still waiting for the last 14 members to supply a photo, Rob Boyes is still working hard and snapping those who have not done so yet, IF YOU ARE SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT YET SUPPLIED A PHOTO, SEE ROB AND GET SNAPPED. This applies to all the membership so access to the boat shed can be given.
What has happened to our fund raising? Things have not changed since last month; we need to raise that £1000 per year to meet our targets we have set ourselves. At present the only thing happening is the ‘Guess the Rib weight’
We need new ideas for events.
Forthcoming Fund Raisers
- A £1 prize guessing game on how much the Dunlop weighs on it trailer, ready for the road.
- An idea for all those having a go at the Rebreathers is to supply for a small donation, photos of the night.
- A Treasure Hunt around Bristol City centre and another ‘Guess Who’ competitions are also being planned (I hope)
Are there any more ideas out there on how to raise funds? Come on you must have some
Lecture Program for 2001/2002
Club Diver – Program on going, Lecture every two weeks. Should finish late April.
Sports Diver – New program posted on the web.
Knowledge review still outstanding. Some missed lectures to be redone.
Dive Leader – New program posted on the web.
Advanced Diver – New program being planned. Mandatory SDC’s to be run when possible.
Optional SDC’s to be discussed
See our Web Site for relevant information on dates for Lecture program details
Dates for your diary
1st Monday of each month – Dive planning meetings – EVERONE IS INVITED, no ideas will be ignored.
3rd Monday of each month – Committee meeting – EVERONE is entitle to attend and air their views, sadly you cannot vote on any topics.
24th April 02 – Try Nite – Snorkelling only for scouts water badge.
3rd – 6th May 02 – Kimmeridge
28th May – 13th June 02 – Costa Blanc, Spain
31st May – 4th June 02 – Riverside, Plymouth
NOTE: – There may be additional expeditions being planned that are not listed here.
See our Web Site for information on these events and other diving expedition
Oxygen Admin course soon. Name to me as soon as possible. That should be the whole club, minus those who have already done the course. (You could do a refresher at minimal cost, as it’s some time since you do it anyway)
DO’s thought for the month
It takes only a moment to lose!
Harry Ryalls
Diving Officer. BAS-AC