by Tim.

Pete, who has known them both for a very, very, long time had done his homework well and related some amazing tales of daring and dedication from these two pioneers of the early days of our club at the dawn of recreational diving. Unlike today there were no such things as local dive shops so kit had to be made and improvised from ex-services hand-me-downs. Working in the aviation industry gave them a bit of an advantage as there were often useful bit’s and pieces from old aircraft, such as air cylinders which could be scrounged and adapted for their purpose. Some incredible stories were related.
Yet again Simon and Jo took the top male and female divers awards.
New Training Officer now appointed: Unlike all other positions on the Committee which are appointed by the membership, the Diving Officer (DO) alone elects the Training Officer (TO). The reasoning behind this is because the DO and TO have to work closely together it is essential they get on. I am pleased to tell you I have made an offer which has been accepted. Our new Training Officer is none other than Duncan.
Duncan got into diving through the Scout association in which he has been involved most of his life, initially as a scout and then as a leader. He caught the diving bug while partaking in a Scout Try Dive in Malta. Upon return to the UK he followed it up by joining a local PADI school (along with Sue and Neil) and has just his theory exams to do to complete his PADI Divemaster qualification. His PADI activities didn’t offer him a network of people with whom he could dive, so at Sue’s suggestion he joined us (thanks Sue 🙂
Having recently attended the two-day BSAC Instructor Foundation Course, now as a BSAC Assistant Diving Instructor, Duncan has since been busy every week in our pool helping with teaching and receiving the odd bit of coaching to convert him to the ‘BSAC way’ in the process.
I look forward to working together over this coming season.
The New 2006 / 07 Committee: So having now appointed the TO, here below is this seasons committee members and their email addresses should you wish to contact any of them:
Chairman – Peter Davies (
Secretary – Jo Belcher (
Treasurer – Mike Down (
Diving Officer – Tim Clouter (
Training Officer – Duncan Lamont (
Equipment Officer – Matt Bell (
Boat Care Officer – Rob Boyes (
Entertainment Officer – Sheila Watt (
Webmaster – David Rawlins * (
Advanced Diver Rep – Unfilled position
Jo Belcher also kindly volunteered to continue in her role as Membership Secretary (
* David, who wasn’t able to make it along to the AGM kindly offered to step into the Webmaster position once he heard it was unfilled.
Committee meetings are generally held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at BAWA and start at 8:00pm. All members are welcome to attend, not only the committee members but if you plan to turn up please tell a committee member (preferably the secretary) , just in case the meeting has been moved to another night, time or location and in case we have more turning up than can be accommodated in the allocated room. If there is any voting to be done, only committee members can do that.
All in all it was a very successful, enjoyable and entertaining evening. We should hold them more often 😉