by Simon & Jo.
Despite an overcast, cold and foggy day we had 16 people turn up – members and their families for this little pre-Christmas bash at Cromhall.
The owners kindly agreed that non divers could have free admission (£10 for divers), so it was a great opportunity to see what the site has to offer even if you don’t feel brave/daft enough to get in!
Despite weather that was overcast & foggy we had 7 divers, 5 for the first time and with visibility at around 10 metres in a positively balmy 8 degrees they clocked up dives of 39 minutes to just over an hour!
All were very thankful for the volunteer caterers in the “Santa Snack Shack” at the ‘beach end’ who provided smashing bacon and sausage butties (veggie sausages too), mince pies, tea, coffee and hot soup – any money raised goes to club funds.
Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year (I can feel a song coming on….)