by Pete.
27th November, 2007 : Just a quick note to remind everyone of things that are coming up in the near future.
1. Christmas meal. There still a few places left for this. Enquiries to Sheila please.
2. Christmas fun night : This will happen on Monday 17th Dec at the pool. Please bring masks fins and snorkels.
3. Photo competition. This is up and running with a good standard of entries. However, it has come to my notice that some of you might have missed the invite to view the pictures for one reason or another. The invite will come as an e-mail which and will, give you access to the pics. I’ll re-send the invite later today so don’t delete it ….again. For those without a PC, I will bring them up to the club for you to see,
Judging will be via e-mail and at the club on paper from the 10th Dec to 16th Dec. The valuable prizes will be awarded at the fun night.
4. Boxing day Bath Tub Race. This annual event will be taking place again on the river between Keynsham and the Chequers. Please ask for more details.
5. Christmas cards. This year you can send everyone an electronic Christmas card instead of the usual ones and make a £5 donation to the boat fund instead. We will send it on your behalf and can include your personal message. Please ask Mary for more details or give her your £5 and your message.
6. Christmas dive. This will be on Sat 23rd Dec at Cromall. More details will follow.
7. Christmas raffle. Tickets will be on sale shortly and the draw will be made after the fun night.
I thinks that will do for now.