I hope everyone reading this has finally recovered from any hangovers that they might have suffered over the festive season. I know that I have still to get one, but there is some time left.
December has seen that favourite dive site of ours being visited not once but twice since it open early this month. The last time was on Christmas Eve, when there was a good turn out just to get wet – they must be mad! This has maintained our unbroken record of ‘diving every month’ going and it now stands at 15 months. I cannot say at present now many dives have been completed as I am waiting for the logs to be returned. What is sad to report is there has been some vandalism at this site, the safety fencing has been pushed over and into the water and damage to machinery on the path has occurred. These incidents have been reported back to Wessfed and hopefully back to Bristol Water as well. We hope to continue using this facility to complete diving skills before the coming open water season, keep an eye on the notice board for training dives being organised by Andy Wilson. Another venue that is hopefully going to be used is that of Portland Harbour, where we are going to purchase a seasonal ticket.
Little has changed since my last report. The new Club Diver program for our new starts is progressing. There was some confusing over lecture, dates as one was moved some thought the all moved after that, so sadly a few missed the last one – SCUBA equipment – This will be rerun at a later date to be arranged. Please check when the dates for the lectures are. All those involved were given a breakdown of these dates. If you do not have one, they are posted on the web site or please see me for another copy. The other programs will be run as required. I hope to complete the missing Dive Leader lectures in the near future and will run the knowledge review as soon afterwards as possible. Pool work will continue as normal for those within the program.
The annual dinner dance happened at the SHIP INN, sadly it did not live up to its expectations, with a disastrous meal being served. This is the first time that I have known the whole of the group complaining about a meal. I am thankful that no one was lynched as feelings were running very high. It is good to report that some recompense has been made, but this is to be chased up, as we are still not totally satisfied. There has been a suggestion that we have another Dinner Dance early next year to make up for this one – although everyone I have spoken to since did have a good time once the dancing started. Please give us some feed back on how you feel about this?
Another thing that was sad to see was the very poor turnout for our Boxing Day get together at the Checkers. Only 10 members made the effort this year, there were just as many non-members there as well. What is happening, are we forgetting that we are also a social club as well? I hope this is not a sign of things to come.
For general information there will be an Oxygen Administration course on January 28th, venue to be announced {note: same day as Sub Escape Tower!}. It is being organised by Maxine Smith, our regional coach, if you are interested please let me know as soon as possible.
Lecture Program for 2000/2001
Club Diver lectures – Program has now started.
Sports Diver lectures – New program to be planned when asked for.
Dive Leader lectures – Catch-up lectures being arranged for early New Year.
Theory Review to be completed after lecture program finished,
Dates for your diary
January 20th 2001 – Ten Pin Bowling – Hollywood Bowl, Avon Meads
March 10th 2001 – Barn Dance – Longwell Green Community Centre.
DO’s thought for the month
Harry Ryalls