Where has the year gone, Christmas is now behind us and the New Year is quickly approaching. November has followed in the club tradition and some diving was carried out, this makes over thirty-six months of active diving being logged with the club without a break. That must be a club record and I’m sure it is, as I have looked back through all the old logs that we have and this is the longest period on record. Let’s keep it up.
November has seen diving in foreign parts for a few lucky ones and trips to Seatown, Swanage and Horsea for those not so lucky. I cannot tell you what the totals are at present as I have been a bit laxed and not done them yet. We are still waiting for the first sea trip on the new rib, but this cannot take place until we have fully kited it out, so get your thinking hat’s on, we need a list of items required. For example we need a new anchor and line, so come on there must be some Must Haves and some Like to Haves. We can then see what the Boat fund can afford.
Training is ongoing with the Club Diver program still continuing, I apologise to all those giving lectures, it appears I may have forgotten to tell some of you. I’m sure I sent everyone involved a listing of all the llecture dates when I first compiled the program, but if I did not send you one, SORRY. Please check the web for dates that may be allocated to you and I will try to remember to remind you. If you cannot make a lecture or pool work YOU MUST INFORM EITHER TIM OR MYSELF, so we can pass the information on.
Dive Leader lectures will be happening soon for the one member who has asked for them, are there any more of you out there who would like them as I am drawing up a program and numbers may make a difference to my plans. To me as soon as possible please.
Practical skills for all grades are being done when conditions allow and when Barrow tanks is open.
We were asked to inform the membership of all the Ghost Jobs’ that need doing, I have asked everyone to have a think and get back to me with any they can think of and as of today NO-ONE has come back. So I can only think that the ones that need doing are those that I can think of and I know that is not so.
Example of some of the jobs
– Job need doing at least twice a week |
– General job, but important after away trips. | |
– An important job, so as to make the task easier for | |
the person towing the boat and save time for them. |
The fund raising is still on-going and monies are still being raised, I know that Carol is doing a few as I write, so see her if you would like to know what is going on. WE NEED TO KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING WITH THIS, so new ideas please.
Forthcoming Fund Raisers
- A prize guessing game on how much the Dunlop boats weighs will be run as soon as it is road worthy.
- A prize guessing game on how much the NEW RIB weighs ready for the road.
- A Treasure Hunt around Bristol City centre and another ‘Guess Who’ competitions are also being planned (I hope)
Are there any more ideas out there on how to raise funds? Come on you must have some.
Lecture Program for 2001/2002
Club Diver – Program on going, Lecture every two weeks.
Sports Diver – New program completed. Knowledge review outstanding.
Dive Leader – New program being planned.
Advanced Diver – Mandatory SDC’s as and when required.
Optional SDC’s to be discussed
See our Web Site for relevant information on dates for Lecture program details
Dates for your diary
December 01 – March 02 – Barrow Tanks open for winter
NOTE: – There may be additional expeditions being planned that are not listed here.
See our Web Site for information on these events and other diving expedition
As the winter is now on us, we need to get things done up the boat shed. Working parties are now being planned, please spare some time to help. AS LAST MONTH – WE MUST GET THE WORK ON THE DUNLOP FINISHED AS IT HAS BEEN WAITING FOR SOME TIME NOW.
DO’s thought for the month
Someone has already had all the best centres, so get your own.
Harry Ryalls
Diving Officer. BAS-AC