Sorry for the late report, I do not know if you have noticed, but the year is again running away from us, June is already upon us and the longest day is near. Before we know it we will be celebrating the new millennium.
So far this season the weather has been kind and allowed us to do a few dives with excellent visibility to boot. The reports that I have received has made some of these dives seem better than those had by the recent Red Sea expedition team, visibility in excess of 10 meters has been mentioned. This has been borne out with 349 dives logged with the club so far this season.
The expeditions that have happened have been enjoyed by all who attended, with some late night Bar-B-Q’s being held. I was really surprised on my arrival at the Kimmeridge weekend to be handed not only a much-needed drink (not tea or coffee), but to find that those hardy divers had prepared a feast for me as well. I suspect it was leftovers, but I’m not complaining.
The late Plymouth bank holiday weekend was very well attended, with 18 divers to be accommodated and got into the water. This is the only thing I get a headache over, the pairings and making sure everyone is happy. I sometime think that some do not realise now difficult this can be, but it all ended well (I hope).
The rumours that we caused a disturbance at this venue are not true, honest guv it was not us, we want to come back again, it must have been someone else.
Let’s hope the expeditions that are forthcoming are as good.
If there is anyone willing to organise a days diving or an expedition that is not yet publicised, please let me know as soon as possible or add it to the planner on the notice board.
Club Diver / Sports Diver training is on going. The Club Diver trainees have how completed their theory review, well done to you all. As previous stated the pool work is also nearly complete as well, but this does not mean that the drills should not be practised, remember, we will be doing them in the open water soon.
Over the past month Andy and myself have managed to complete quite a few of the outstanding drills required by various members, Club, Sports and Dive Leader drills being done. If you require any drills, make the effort and attend one of the forth-coming expeditions where we will attempt to fit them in.
We have had some enquires from perspective members, so ACI’s & CI’s are asked to keep dates available.
The Avon boat has been used in anger so far this season as the Mercury engine is still awaiting it’s part, but we are assured that this will soon be with us. The Dunlop boat requires maintenance, which we hope to do before the forthcoming Lyme Regis weekend. If not, this work must be completed before the Hallsands weekend or there will be some disappointed divers. The kill switch for the Johnson is still in the post, but rumoured to be with us soon. As soon as it arrives it will be fitted. This will make for happier use.
Working parties will be organising soon to do this required work, so please make yourself available when asked. These will be in the evening as the weekends will be kept free for diving. We will also be tidying our new boat shed on these evenings.
As mentioned in last month DO’s report, the second dive on the club wreck did not take place, those that missed this were very disappointed. It has been rumoured that Maurice is moving to hotter climates and giving up UK diving. We wish him and his wife all the best for the future and send them our thanks for all they have managed to do for us in the past.
Another thing to mention was the Red Sea trip, I was not wrong in my prediction, we are being inundated with photo’s and stories. The only funny thing is that most of them were incapacitated at least once during the trip or shortly after their return to the UK, but no one is worst for the experience.
Our boat trip and Bar-B-Q at the Lock & Weir was enjoyed by the small group who attended. The evening stayed dry and it was very nice cruising up towards Keysham lock and back to the Lock & Weir in the early evening. The fresh air gave everyone a hearty appetite, which was fulfilled on our return to the pub. Our thanks go to Julie for organising this event again. It’s a shame that more club member’s did not attend.
Note: Due to work commitment Julie is relinquishing this post. Voluntaries are being sort to fill this post.
My thanks go to Dr Maxine Smith (regional Coach) for the recent oxygen administration course that was organised at Bath University. Those that attended the course from the club found it very informative especially the practical side.
Dates for your diary
Dive Leader lectures – See me for any lectures you may require.
(There is no date for the end of this qualification as yet.)
18th to 20th June – Lyme Regis weekend (Harry’s B.Day party)
9th to 11th July – Hallsands weekend
15th July (Social Night) – Visit to Smiles Brewery (buffet included in the price)
(See Harry Ryalls for information)
18th July – Horsea Lake, Horsea Island
24th – 25th July – North Wales
14th – 28th August – Oban, Scotland (Club’s annual expedition this year)
(and beyond)
We have at present only one Tryout Nite planned for this month and two for next month. August is now full with three sessions booked. Please look at the rota that has been drawn up to see when you are needed.
Moore Happenings
Congratulations to Carol (nee Moore) and Mark who tied the knot while on their diving holiday in Grand Cayman. This is taking buddy diving just a bit too far!
DO’s thought for the month
Reading the dive logs that have been submitted to me so far this season has prompted this months thought. It seems that some of us are forgetting the rules.
Harry Ryalls