The first month of the diving season is now behind us, the weather has been fairly kind and has allowed us to get some diving done. 53 dives logged with the club during April. I hope this trend continues throughout the rest of the season.
All those that managed to attend the club wreck trip enjoyed the dive, although the visibility was not that good. The sad thing is the reports that our much-loved wreck is starting to break up, the decking is starting to collapse inwards, so those of us who are due to go later this month – BEWARE.
We have also heard rumours that other clubs are planning to remove things from the wreck. This is our club property and no one is allowed to remove any part of the wreck without our permission and authority. If you hear who these clubs are, please let the committee know immediately so we can contact them. The cargo is still owned by the Coal Board and their permission is required to remove any of it.
If there is anyone willing to organise a dive or expedition not yet publicised please let me know as soon as possible or add it to the planner on the notice board.
Club Diver / Sports Diver training is on going. Pool work will soon be coming to an end and the open sea beckons to those that need disciplines completed. Please make sure that you inform me when you are available to do those that you require. Some of these disciplines have been outstanding for sometime, although the chance to complete them has been there. I would like to see the majority of them completed this year.
We have had some enquires from perspective members, so ACI’s & CI’s are asked to keep dates available.
Our service engineer has examined the Mercury engine and the fault was electrical. The starter coil had failed, so there was little we could have done. A replacement has been ordered and will be fitted when available. The kill switch for the Johnson is rumoured to be on its way to us and will hopefully be fitted as soon as it arrives. This will make the use of the Avon safer.
We will be organising working parties in the near future to get the boats ready for the rest of the season.
These will also be needed to tidy our new boat shed.
Our second dive of the season on the club wreck may be in jeopardy, as Maurice has sold his boat (Grace II). Keep an eye on the dive schedule this month for more details.
Some of our members are off to the Red Sea soon; this is becoming a favourite site with the membership. I wish them clean air and good visibility, I hope that they do not have too good a time yet again (just joking – NOT)
The Go-Karting night was a great success, with everyone having an accelerating, no exhilarating night.
Our thanks go to Mike Oats for organising this night. Congratulations to those who won the heats. Thanks go to Julie Ryalls and Laura Winter for doing the hard work of the raffle. We made a bit for the club funds.
Are you interested in learning oxygen administration? A course is being organised at Bath University this month. If you are, contact Dr Maxine Smith (regional Coach) or myself for details.
Dates for your diary
Dive Leader lectures – See me for any lectures you may require.
(There is no date for the end of this qualification as yet.)
24th May & 26th May – Oxygen Course at Bath Uni.
15th May (Social Night) – Boat Trip & Bar-B-Q at Lock & Weir
(See Julie Ryalls for information)
23rd May – Club wreck (Bretagne) (may be cancelled)
28th May – 31st May – Horsea Island weekend
19th – 20th June – Lyme Regis Weekend
We have three more Tryout Nites planned over the coming months, so I will be seeking help for the pool sessions. Please have a look at the rota that has been drawn up to see if you are needed.
DO’s thought for the month
Harry Ryalls