I’m starting this report with some very good news, well good news for me anyway. I have had the threat of redundancy removed and been given my original job back. As I only had five more weeks of employment at the time, it has removed a very large grey cloud from over my head. So I’m back and hopefully will be able to spend more time concentrating on my diving responsibilities.
Now back to this month report, I know we have tried to get a lot more diving done over these months, but due to the weather have been unable to do so. It was thanks to Stewart Butterfield that we finally managed to get wet in late April, with a trip to Horsea Island, where training disciplines were carried our and completed for some of the membership. Early May saw us going back to Kimmeridge, a site that we have neglected for a few years. The weather listened to us and supplied two glorious days, allowing us to do lots of diving. We had a very good turn out for this weekend and the new Rib and Avon boat were used to their full potential. Mid-month saw Portland being revisited for the day, with Plymouth and Riverside campsite seeing the month out. Some of us were luck enough to visit the Costa Blanca and get some typical Mediterranean diving. Hopefully a report will be submitted in the near future for this expedition. Mid-June found us back at one of my favourite sites, Lyme Regis and a couple of excellent days diving. This is one time I am glad the weather people ‘got it wrong’. Due to the earlier reports, I had warned that we might not be able to dive, but Bob Abbott volunteered to tow one of the boats down anyway. Thankfully he did and we had two excellent days visiting the Baygitano wreck with some excellent visibility. Late June saw the first in a series of dives on the club wreck, as well as some ‘Advanced dives’ on other deeper wreck being done on the same day. Thanks to Tim Clouter for organising these trips.
Training is ongoing. A new Club Diver program is starting on the 29th July for our latest intake of trainees. Keep an eye on the club web site for information about this course. Both the Sports Diver and Dive Leader up and running, all the lectures being given on a MONDAY NIGHT and not the Wednesday as in previous courses. I will be running an O2 course on Saturday 27th July for all those that would like to do it. I know there are lots of you, so keep an eye out for the registration sheet. I will also be starting the Boat Handling Course early August. Please note this will be done over more than one day. So name to me for this ASAP. There is a registration fee payable to BSAC for these SDC’s of £10; the course costs will include any additional expenses that are incurred in running either of them.
Practical skills for all grades are being done when conditions allow and when Barrow tanks is available to us. (Or the open sea if available)
As I had very little involvement with club activities over the last few months, due to my change in working pattern, the prospect of redundancy hanging over my head and other commitments, I do not have a lot to report on general matters. Carol Sheppard has organised some Rebreather sessions that started on the 20th March and were on going until April 17th, I had a go on the first night and a report of my experience is on the web. I hope others that took part will also contribute a few lines. Sadly due to circumstances Richard had to cancel the final session, but we will try to book some later in the year.
We have had an EGM on the 19th June, where it was decided to keep the Avon inflatable as a second dive platform and sell our trusty Dunlop set-up as soon as possible. Even though we have had lots of debates and discussions on this subject, I hope we can move on and work towards upgrading this boat as soon as possible. So lets all get our fund raising ideas going. Julie and myself will start it with another of our famous B–B-Que.’s. SO keep an eye out for information about the night.
For all those that now have access to our boat shed, can I please ask you to be particularly carefully when closing the roller doors. We have had the lock replaced as it was ‘Jammed’ when we returned from Lyme Regis.
Please note: –
Ensure the roller door is right down and pressing hard into the ground before attempting to lock it. The lock does a COMPLETE TURN before the door is secure, so please take care.
I am still waiting for some members to supply a passport size photo of themselves, so if necessary, we can a pass to draw the key. Rob Boyes is still working hard and snapping those who have not done so yet, IF YOU ARE SOMEONE WHO HAS NOT YET SUPPLIED A PHOTO, SEE ROB AND GET SNAPPED. This applies to all the membership so access to the boat shed can be given where required.
What has happened to our fund raising? Things have not changed since last month; we need to raise that £1000 per year to meet our targets we have set ourselves. At present the only thing happening is ‘NOTHING’
We need new ideas for events.
Forthcoming Fund Raisers
- A Treasure Hunt around Bristol City centre and another ‘Guess Who’ competitions are also being planned (I hope)
Maybe a Pub Hunt around the outskirts of Bristol – We are looking into this at present, doing a lot of investigation.
Are there any more ideas out there on how to raise funds? Come on you must have some.
Lecture Program for 2001/2002
Club Diver – Program Starting Lecture every two weeks.
Sports Diver – Knowledge review still outstanding. Some missed lectures to be redone.
Dive Leader – New program posted on the web.
Advanced Diver – New program being planned. Mandatory SDC’s to be run when possible.
Optional SDC’s to be discussed
See our Web Site for relevant information on dates for Lecture program details
Dates for your diary
1st Monday of each month – Dive planning meetings – EVERONE IS INVITED, no ideas
will be ignored. There will also be a ‘Bretagne’ meeting prior
to this to discuss next years celebrations.
3rd Monday of each month – Committee meeting – EVERONE is entitle to attend and air
their views, sadly you cannot vote on any topics.
27th July – Oxygen Administration course
Early August – Boat Handling Course (Slow Work, Bristol Docks)
10th August – B- B – Que. (Fund Raiser – H & J house)
23rd August – 1st September – Maenporth, Cornwall. (Annual Expedition)
13th – 20th September – Southern Red Sea Trip
21st December – Club Dinner Dance, Jury’s Hotel
NOTE: – There may be additional expeditions being planned that are not listed here.
See our Web Site for information on these events and other diving expedition
Oxygen Admin course soon. Name to me as soon as possible. That should be the whole club, minus those who have already done the course. (You could do a refresher at minimal cost, as it’s some time since you do it anyway)
DO’s thought for the month
I know, it’s happened to me!!!
Harry Ryalls
Diving Officer. BAS-AC