If you missed it you should be ashamed or have a very good reason for not attending this years AGM at the BAWA. My thanks go to all those who made the effort to attended, even the non-members. If you did not attend and do not like some of the things that were voted on and passed by the membership, (there was enough to make all the voting legal) then all I can say is TOUGH – make the effort next time. It would be nice to see the whole membership attending the AGM, but I do not live in cloud cuckoo land.
As last month, there is not a lot to report, there was a last minute rush to get some more dives added to this years total, but I had already done my sums for the AGM so these will go on next years totals. We saw at least four trips taking place this month, so I would like to thank the organiser for taking time getting these done, you know who you are. At the AGM the draw for the places for the first ride/dive on the new rib took place and I am glad to report that the names drawn could not have been better orchestrated, Congratulations go to Matthew Bell, Shaun Morris, Bob Abbott and Julie Ryalls who all came out of the hat. Now we have to get them wet so the rest of us can use the boat.
Training is on going with the Club Diver program continuing at pace. I must note that all those who should be attending lecture or pool work are not making the effort to do so. Please let us know if you will be missing a lecture or pool date so we can inform the person giving up their time for you and not have them waiting for you to turn up. This has been happening far too much lately. I have been approached by a member for Dive Leader lectures, are there any more of you out there who would like them as I am drawing up a program and numbers may make a difference to my plans. To me as soon as possible please.
Practical skills for all grades are being done when conditions allow and when Barrow tanks is open.
If you are deaf, dumb and blind, you will be forgiven for not knowing that the new boat has arrived. We have had a few trips to Bristol docks to do the ten hours of running before the first service, both of which have now been completed. These trips where advertised and the membership invited down for a ride. The grand launching was well attended and a bottle of Champagne ceremonially cracked over the bows, then drunk by all those around. Thanks to Julie Ryalls for supplying this excellent bottle of bubbly, everyone who had a swig appreciated it, Tim Clouter was then allowed to take the boat on its first trip as winner of the ‘first Cox’ draw. Then a mad scramble was had by the rest to have the next turn. I believe that everyone on board on that first day was allowed a turn on the throttle, as the Web photo album will prove. Sadly I had to miss this major club event as I was on a boat-handling course getting my Diver Cox ticket, but at least I was having fun driving a very large and powerful Rib at very high speeds.
At the AGM we were asked to inform the membership of all the ‘Ghost Jobs’ that need doing, as lots of you do not know what they are and consequently could not volunteer to help with them. We are in the process of putting together a list of these jobs and will soon be letting you all know what they are. If people do not then put their name forward to help, I will take the initiative and do it for you. REMEMBER IT’S BETTER TO JUMP THAN BE PUSHED.
The fund raising is still on-going and monies are still being raised, I know that Carol is doing a few as I write, so see her if you would like to know what is going on. WE NEED TO KEEP THE MOMENTUM GOING WITH THIS, so new idea please.
Forthcoming Fund Raisers
A £1 prize guessing game on how much the Dunlop boats weighs will be run as soon as it is road worthy.
A Treasure Hunt around Bristol City centre and another ‘Guess Who’ competitions are also being planned
Are there any more ideas out there on how to raise funds? Come on you must have some.
Lecture Program for 2001/2002
Club Diver – New program has started, Lecture every two weeks.
Sports Diver – New program completed. Knowledge review outstanding.
Dive Leader – New program being planned.
Advanced Diver – Mandatory SDC’s as and when required.
Optional SDC’s to be discussed
See our Web Site for relevant information on dates for Lecture program details
Dates for your diary
Some time soon – First sea trials for the new Rib and the first dive from it.
December 2001 – Barrow Tanks open for winter
22nd December 2001 – Annual Club Dinner Dance – Jury’s Hotel, Prince Street
NOTE: – There may be additional expeditions being planned that are not listed here.
See our Web Site for information on these events and other diving expedition
As the winter is now on us, we need to get things done up the boat shed. There are lots of things to be done, so please make some time to attend the forthcoming working parties please. WE MUST GET THE WORK ON THE DUNLOP FINISHED AS IT HAS BEEN WAITING FOR SOME TIME NOW.
DO’s thought for the month
You have to believe in yourself to sort it out.
Harry Ryalls
Diving Officer. BAS-AC
Elected for yet another year