Well it’s official the date has moved and it gives me a bit more time to get my Diving Officers report completed for the AGM, which is now on the 28thNovember 2001.
There is not a lot to report this month, very little if no diving has taken place that I know about. If you have been diving please let me know (this does not include those of us who have forsaken this lovely rain and jetted of to Kenya on Sunday for two weeks, lucky b*****s) Carol Sheppard has held the draw for ‘First Drive’ of the new boat, which should arrive at the docks this weekend (Saturday 27th). The first name out of the hat was that of Tim Clouter, who had just bought his ticket moments before. He has thanked Emma Taylor for drawing his name and is emphatic that it was pure luck, we all believe him don’t we? What should also have been done was to draw a reserve just in case he does not make it {Tim says, “No chance”}. Carol over to you.
The new Sports Diver program is drawing to a close; there is only one lecture remaining and then it will be catch up for those who have missed any. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY. The theory test is planned for December. There is also a new Club Diver program starting this month. The schedule will soon be on the club web site, so please check if you are doing a lecture and what date it is. I have been approached for Dive Leader lectures and am asking for names of those who would like to do them. To me ASAP please.
Practical skills for all grades are being done when conditions allow and when Barrow tanks is open.
Our new boat should soon be with us and will soon be getting wet down at the docks. If you are interested in a ride get down to the docks this Saturday. Sadly we have missed the chance to sell one of the boats this season, so we have moved the Dunlop to the back room for storage, so that the new boat will have a home when it arrives. WHAT WE MUST DO IS COMPLETE THE OUTSTANDING WORK ON BOTH BOATS and not allow them to deteriorate any more. These belong to us all and not just to a few. SO GET WORKING.
The fund raising is still going and monies are still being raised, I know that Carol is doing a few as I write, so see her if you would like to know what is going on.
Forthcoming Fund Raisers
A £1 prize guessing game on how much the Dunlop boat weighs will be run as soon as it is road worthy.
A Treasure Hunt around Bristol City centre and another ‘Guess Who’ competition is also being planned
Are there any more ideas out there on how to raise funds? Come on you must have some.
Lecture Program for 2001/2
Club Diver – New program will be starting October
Sports Diver – New program ongoing. Open Water Dives being carried out.
Dive Leader – Review to be planned.
New program being planned
Advanced Diver – Mandatory SDC’s as and when required.
Optional SDC’s to be discussed
See our Web Site for relevant information and dates for Lecture program details
Dates for your diary
6th – 21st November 2001 – Phuket, Thailand
24th – 25th November 2001 – Torquay Weekend
December 2001 – Barrow Tanks open for winter diving (for real rufty tufties!)
22nd December 2001 – Annual Club Dinner Dance – Jury’s Hotel, Prince Street
NOTE: – There will be additional expeditions being planned that are not listed here.
See our Web Site for information on these events and other diving expeditions
The Oxygen Admin and First Aid for Divers courses are now hopefully going to be held in Bath over the weekend of the 1st & 2nd December 2001 as there was very little response for the Bristol based course. If any of you would like to attend this one, please let me have your name as soon as possible, details to follow. The cost is £10 registration for each course plus any costs on the day.
DO’s thought for the month
Lets get wet somewhere and cheer ourselves up
Harry Ryalls