by Tim.
3rd – 5th May, 2008 : Early May Bank Holiday club trip to Plymouth.
Saturday 3rd May:
- Scylla -very rough sea but OK on the wreck, viz about 2 m, lots of growth on the hull sides which has developed in such a short time.
Sunday 4th May:
- Mewstone Ledges, sea was much flatter but had a long wavelength swell which flowed up and nearly over the Mewstone in a very spectacular way; in the water it was like being in a washing machine (I imagine !) but a useful experience as they say.
We didn’t see much except a lot of kelp being flattened in one direction and then in the other, while we were propelled over it and back !
Monday 5th May:
- Scylla errrr… Egan Layne !
Sea still had a swell but not so much as yesterday..However this meant it was not easy to see all of the shot buoys at once. The first dive pair went down a shot that said “stern” which we thought was the Scylla. When they were down, the buoy turned round to reveal the words “Egan Layne” ! They had a very gloomy dive having unexpectedly descended into a hold, didn’t stay very long and came back up, meeting the second pair on their way down, at least they knew where they were!