by Tim, Duncan, John & Mary
Friday 10th to Monday 13th April : Well, where else would you rather be? Camping was at our usual haunt of Venn Farm – who were very happy to see us again, with Mike & Sheila going down early to prepare the ground.
Thanks to Mike & Sheila for organising everything (the camping, the dive logs, the pub, the weather…). Thanks also to Rob for all his hours of hard work getting the boats ‘ship shape’ (& Hazel & the boys for being such sports). A ginormous thank you to Mike Down as we did not have a dive manager for one day til he stepped in the breach and then didn’t get a dive.
Tim – I thoroughly enjoyed each one of my 5 dives and especially salvaging a bit of brass treasure/junk to declare to the Receiver of Wreck. For those who don’t know, it’s an old fire hose coupling and if I get to keep it I feel certain Sue will be delighted to have it prominently on display – under my bench in the garage 🙁
Duncan – I had a great time and 4 great dives, my thanks to the Easter Bunny for the Easter egg that I found in my tent when I returned to it on Sunday. Who said that The Fort & Breakwater was not very good. Rob & I found some amazing life, including a “tame” pipe fish plus my first cannon. Yes a real one!
John – I wanted to express in writing my thanks for the great weekend (even though I missed the beginning due to a cold)
Mary – We had a great weekend with glorious weather on Saturday and Sunday.