The BSAC training programme is acknowledged worldwide for its’ thoroughness and emphasis on safety with diver rescue and practical safety a core element from the outset.
Our branch operates within the BSAC system, and offers training at all levels from the introductory level (Ocean Diver), right up to advanced (Advanced Diver) and beyond – more specialist or infrequently run courses we may team up with other clubs or they may be run as regional events.
We also welcome divers from other organisations such as PADI, CMAS etc. wishing to cross over to an equivalent BSAC qualification – qualifications gained with other organisations can be converted to the equivalent BSAC grade according to the T17_Welcoming_Divers_from_other_agencies0109 method.
All diver training is delivered by qualified instructors over weekly evening sessions (covering theory and sheltered water components) and weekend open water training, with the opportunity for regular diving to hone your skills – you can also complete your training over a shorter period of time through a BSAC centre but regardless, your training will contain exactly the same elements. After achieving at least Ocean Diver you are welcome to attend dives organised by our club.
Courses cover Diver Grades, Specialist Skills development & Instructor courses
Basic equipment is available to get the new member underway with their pool training. However, it is desirable for new members to progressively acquire their own equipment early on to allow familiarity with its use and aftercare. We encourage trainees to talk to other members before rushing out to buy any new equipment! Trainees will require their own protective diving suit before commencing open water training.