by Pete.
19th August, 2006: As announced many months ago, this years photographic competition is up and running, the standard of received entries so far is as high as last year.
Preliminary judging will be on the web site as last year but the final will be done and the winner announced at the Fun Night.
1st round of judging opens : Sunday 26th November @ 23:59
1st round of judging closes : Saturday 9th December @ 23:59
1st Round winners declared : Sunday 10th December @ 21:00
2nd round of judging opens : Sunday 10th December @ 23:59
2nd round of judging closes : Saturday 17th December @ 23:59
Winners announced : Monday 18th December @ the Fun Night
Everyone will be able to award every photo in each category between 0 and 10 points. At the end of the first round the 3 highest scoring entries will then go through to the second round. These 12 photographs will then be used for next years Club calendar. ( Don’t forget that entry into the “fun” competition implies permission for this. And it helps the club !!)
At the end of the second round of judging the 1st, 2nd and 3rd highest scoring entries will be announced at the Fun Night on 18th December.
The prizes are
- 1st : £15 and the trophy for the year.
- 2nd : £10
- 3rd : £5
I will be sending out voting forms via e-mail to be returned to me which I will then collate. You could also fill them in at the club on a Monday night if you wish. These will be in Exel and WordPad formats so everyone should be able to open them.
The second round will be run in the same way but all voting forms must be returned by 23:59 on 17th December.
I know that some people have difficulty in seeing the photos on the website so I will try to get them up to the club on a laptop on the Monday evenings in December.
Hopefully that answers all the questions that I have been asked. However if anything requires clarification, please contact me.
Bye for now .