A Sports Diver is a person who has gained further open water diving and diver rescue experience and considered ready to take part in dives partnered by other Ocean, Sports or divers of a higher grade. As a Sports Diver you are initially restricted to a maximum depth of 20 metres but this may be extended progressively up to 35 metres.
Once you have completed your Ocean Diver course, you are ready to venture into open water to gain further experience and complete the Sports Diver training. This training provides the opportunity to practice safety and rescue skills in the company of a qualified instructor or experienced diver.
This grade of diver training requires a further six theory lessons, one sheltered water lesson, one dry practical lesson and five open water lessons. There is also a requirement for home study to prepare for a theory assessment.
In Sports Diver training the emphasis is on building a sound foundation of open water diving skills and experience through a series of structured practical lessons.
In addition to being a course for Ocean Divers looking to build on their skills and knowledge, this course is also a favourite with divers crossing over from other agencies’ entry-level grades like PADI Open Water and Advanced Open Water.
The BSAC website has a section that gives more detail on exactly what you’ll cover on the Sports Diver Course
Further information is available on the official BSAC site:-
- Detailed information about what you can expect on the Sports Diver Course
- Quizzes (for Ocean, Sports & Dive Leader courses)