by Paul.
23rd May, 2006 : In summary, I’m talking about Sport Diver Training, Instructor Foundation Courses, and requested SDCs (DPM, PRM, S&R, MarineID, Nitrox [again!], Rescue First Aid, First Aid for Divers).
If you’re NOT interested in any of the above, look away now!
Sport Diver: I’ve had a request to run Sport Diver, if anyone else is interested, please let me know and I’ll pencil you in. Sport Diver takes you beyond Ocean/Club diver and builds in further diver rescue skills and prepares you for deeper diving including decompression stops. On completion of the course, if you wish you can then build your depth experience to a maximum of 35m. This then permits you take part in 99% of typical club diving.
You can start the Sport Diver course after completing Ocean Diver Theory. BSAC allow you to start theory one grade above your current level, if you wish to do so. Its also more convenient (for me) to arrange, as it means we can get more students through the lectures in one go. Before qualifying as Sport Diver you do need 20 dives experience, but the open water dives can then progress at your own pace.
If you’re interested in progressing onto Sports Diver level, let me know
Instructor Foundation Course : For those that are interested in helping others learn to dive, consider the IFC. You won’t be thrown straight into the deep end, just as you didn’t on your try-dive! The IFC assumes no previous teaching experience, doesn’t require you to be a dive god, but will give you all the information you need to start thinking about teaching. You then get to come back to our branch and start putting some of what you’ve learnt into practice in the pool! Rest assured you’ll get plenty of support from the clubs instructors along the way. Remember, we’re all still learning, and you are probably now the most up to date!
- General details on the IFC are as follows:
The first step in qualifying as a BSAC Diving Instructor is to attend the two-day IFC, where the essential elements of instruction are taught. The comprehensive student pack provides candidates with course notes and a copy of the BSAC Manual ‘Teaching Scuba Diving’. On completion of the course, students are awarded the BSAC Assistant Diving Instructor certificate, which allows them to teach under direct supervision of a BSAC Open Water Instructor. Following completion of the IFC members who are Dive Leaders can further build their teaching experience by attendance at an Open Water Instructor Course (OWIC). - Members who have attained Dive Leader grade can complete the Theory Instructor Exam (TIE) at any stage after attendance on the IFC.
- Following OWIC attendance, and after further practice and experience at Branch level, those who have gained Dive Leader status can apply for the Practical Instructor Exam (PIE).
The most enjoyable BSAC course I ever did. If you take the course, ensure you stay over locally as there will be a big get together with all the course instructors on the Saturday night. These courses only run over the winter months, as even Instructor instructors get to go diving in the summer!
The IFC is a popular event and often books up well in advance. Courses near us are running on:
- 21/22 October – Exeter
- 11/12 November – South Wales (usually Swansea, sometimes Pembrokeshire).
If you need any further info, have any questions let me know!
If you’re ready to book, call BSAC HQ on 0151 350 6209 or sign up on the web here:
Skill Development Courses (SDCs) : Members have asked me for the following range of courses. If you are also interested, please let me know. If there are enough people, and we have instructors qualified to teach the course, we can run it within our branch, otherwise the BSAC Regional Coaching team offer a wide range of courses.
Dive Planning & Marshalling (DPM) [Entry level – Sport Diver] : Aimed at potential Dive Leaders and Advanced Divers, this two-day course introduces and extends existing knowledge and practical skills in all aspects of the vital process of planning and marshalling dives.
This course is now part of the core syllabus for Dive Leader, hence if you do decide to take this as a SDC certain elements of Dive Leader training can be signed off. Alternatively, this training is included in the Dive Leader grade.
The regional coaching schemes are running the following DPM courses:
- 10/11 Jun 2006, Portland
- 17/18 Jun 2006, Portland
- 09/10 Sep 2006, West Wales
Practical Rescue Management (PRM) [Entry level – Sport Diver] : This one-day course will develop dive rescue knowledge and skills, and uses on-land and in-water practical sessions, to teach the management of rescue situations. This course is now part of the core syllabus for Dive Leader, hence if you do decide to take this as a SDC certain elements of Dive Leader training can be signed off. Alternatively, this training is included in the Dive Leader grade.
The regional coaching schemes are running the following PRM courses:
- 24-Sep-06, Swansea
- 14-Oct-06, Dorset
- 15-Oct-06, Dorset
Search & Recovery [Entry level – Sport Diver] : A two-day course to instruct members in effective underwater search techniques and safe procedures for using buoyancy for lifting / recovering objects from the seabed, and bringing them ashore. This training used to be an optional part of the old Advanced Diver course.
This training can now be used to sign off a small element in the new Dive Leader training.
The regional coaching schemes are running the following S&R courses:
- 10/11 Jun 2006 Newhaven
- 19/20 Aug 2006 West Wales
Marine Life Identification [Entry level – Sport Diver] : This course, involving both diving and laboratory studies, introduces you to marine life and how different marine species are classified can be identified. Due to the specialist nature of this course, it is only run by the regional coaching scheme.
- 24/25 Jun 2006, West Wales
- 07/08 Oct 2006, Plymouth
Nitrox/Advanced Nitrox [ Entry level Ocean/Sports] : Day one of this two-day course covers the theory and meticulous planning needed to use Nitrox as a diving gas for dives with decompression stops using both the BSAC Nitrox Decompression Tables and Nitrox Computers; and mixes up to Nitrox 50 as a decompression gas. The Advanced Nitrox Diver Workbook is issued to assist student studies.
Day two puts it into practice with two open water dives. Success in the assessments qualifies the member as a BSAC Advanced Nitrox Diver.
The regional coaching schemes are running the following Advanced Nitrox
- 24/25 Jun 2006, Southern
- 09/10 Sep 2006, Southern
BSAC Nitrox diver is a one day course, classroom based only that qualifies you to dive Nitrox 32 & Nitrox 36 for no stop diving.
Nothing local planned within our region.
- Kingston SE England in September.
First Aid for Divers [ Entry level Ocean/Club diver ] : Even if you already hold a certificate from one of the first aid agencies, this one-day course looks at the subject from the diving viewpoint and relates specifically to first aid for diving related injuries.
The regional coaching schemes are running the following First Aid for Divers courses:
- 08-Jul-06 Somerset
- 25-Nov-06 Southern
Rescue First Aid [ Entry level Sport Diver + First Aid for Divers ] : This course introduces more advanced first aid skills such as use of bag valve resuscitators, intubation and neck stabilisation. It also provides refresher training for holders of the BSAC First Aid for Divers and Oxygen Administration certificates. The course concludes with a practical assessment: those who reach the required standard will receive the BSAC Rescue First Aid Award.
The regional coaching schemes are running the following Rescue First Aid courses:
- 02-Sep-06 Vobster
- 30-Sep-06 Vobster
Yes, that’s it. Once again, regarding the SDCs it is possible to run a good deal of those in branch if there are enough people.
Alternatively, do not feel intimidated about going out into the regions to take Skill Development courses. Its an excellent way to meet other divers, share ideas and techniques, and access a much wider pool of instructors.
You may even bring back some new ideas!