by Duncan.
Sunday 28th November, 2010 : Just got back from an interesting dive at Cromhall (Yes you can have an interesting dive there) with a water temp of 3 to 4 degrees and an air temp of -4 (minus 4) degrees it it the first time I have had ice form on the dry suit as soon as we came out of the water!
Also the wet gloves instantly stuck to the metal hand rails when negotiating the steps back to the tea urn in the cabin !!
The lake was like something out of Dr Who, flat calm and a haze of steam coming off the surface. All we needed was a monster or two to make it complete.
The hardy few (Tim, Chris H, Rob & myself) were there to do some Dive Leader training – well why make life easy for ourselves in pleasant warm conditions – and also to get Tim’s Nov dive under his belt now that his dental problem has been fixed.
In water the viz was, for Cromhall, spectacular with a good 10 – 20 meters. Also a fair number of newts & small fish in the weeds. Attractions ticked off were the boats, car, lorry axle, telephone box and keep fit gym. The last two adorned with the resident gnomes.
Dive time about 40 min before my fingers no longer felt part of my body.
Congrats to Chris H & Rob for performing so well under the conditions.