by Laurence.
Monday 2nd November, 2009 : Diving in 2009 was again very active with overseas diving expeditions to Cuba, Mallorca and Thailand, two to Cyprus, and three to the Red Sea; and UK trips to Plymouth, Portland, West Wales, Cornwall and the Sound of Mull. Mary won the women’s award for the Most Dives, and Duncan the men’s award.
The Club is in good financial shape thanks to Sheilas’ hard work.
Training has gone apace and is in an even better state now that Duncan and Sue are fully TIE qualified. There have been a number of new Open Water Divers and Sport Divers, and the Dive Leaders training is well under way.
The President (Dave Jago standing in for Frank Rogers) complimented the club in being so well run and friendly. As usual, the new Committee came away with a few jobs just so they don’t get too bored: there was popular support for a further trial period of storage for one of the boats closer to the South coast in order to reduce towing, and a solid consensus to look into replacing one of the boats with a larger one.
The Chairman encouraged all to keep selling tickets for the Miranda Talk as this hasn’t so far gone as well as last time.
The meeting finished with thanks from the Chairman to all those who worked so hard to keep the Club running, and to everyone for their enthusiasm and friendliness. The evening was completed with the usual exciting raffle.
Bristol Aerospace BSAC – 2010 Committee (Honorary President:David Jago) |
Chairman | Peter Davies | email: | |
Membership Secretary | Bob Abbott | email: | |
Diving Officer | Mike Down | email: | |
Advanced Diving Representative/ Dive Leader | Tim Clouter | email: | |
Training Officer | Sue Rosser | email: | |
Treasurer | Sheila Watt | email: | |
Boat Care Officer | Rob Boyes | email: | |
Equipment Officer | John Clayton | email: | |
Entertainment Officer | Mary Breeze | email: | |
General Enquires | email: |