by Pete.
- Opening Address by Chairman, Peter Davies
- Reading and approval of the 2010 AGM Minutes
- Chairman’s Report
- Diving Officer’s Report (Club Diving, Training Report, Boat Diving)
- Treasurer’s Report
- Entertainment Officer’s Report
- Club Membership Fees
- Questions to the Old Committee
- The Committee stands down and the Club President takes the Chair
- Election of the New Committee (see below)
Bristol Aerodivers BSAC – 2012 Committee (Honorary President:Dave Jago) |
Chairman | Peter Davies | email: | |
Secretary | Laurence Breeze (to April) | email: | |
Diving Officer | Neil Brent | email: | |
Training Officer | Duncan Lamont | email: | |
Treasurer | Sheila Watt | email: | |
Boat Care Officer | Rob Boyes | email: | |
Equipment Officer | John Clayton | email: | |
Membership Secretary | Bob Abbott | email: | |
Entertainment Officer | Mary Breeze | email: | |
Advanced Diving Represetative | Tim Clouter | email: | |
General Enquires | email: |