by Tim, Jo & John.
Saturday 23rd – Monday 25th August, 2014 : The traditional late August Bank Holiday excursion, with overnight camping at Venn Farm, was a very successful and enjoyable weekend.
It was especially pleasing for me as Training Officer that no less than 3 of our recently trained Ocean Divers were there taking part. They each did very well indeed.
Based on the weather forecast we didn’t attempt diving on the Monday, which was a very good call.
On the 2 days we dived, between the 8 of us we made a total of 28 dives. Not only did all the dives go really well, but the weather held up so the non-divers could enjoy the experience too! 🙂
This is not bad when you consider this was all from one boat. It was a shame we didn’t have just a few more experienced divers with us to justify taking our 2nd boat down as is usual for Bank Holiday weekends. I guess it’s partly because the Farnes trip is just around the corner.
That said it was generally quiet for a Bank Holiday weekend, which was great on Sunday as with a flat calm sea we arrived at the Scylla to find we had it to ourselves 🙂 (We also dived old favourites The Mewstone & The Fort)
A large part of the credit has to go to the three non-diving Coxes, Tim, Jo & Bob who expedited the weekend brilliantly
Check out this divernet article for more on HMS Scylla