by Tim.
28th December, 2011 : We had a very pleasant day of diving at Brixham today, which made a nice change to fresh water quarry diving. The four of us (myself with Duncan and Terry with Chris) each had 2 dives making 8 man dives in total.
As you can see from the photos Laurence captured from the web cam, the sun shone and it turned out to be a very nice day. There are currently loads of very good sized edible crabs tucked well into the rocks along the breakwater and also it was good to see loads of juvenile scallops making a come-back in the bay.
Regarding the web cam photo competition, I’ve reviewed all the entries I’ve received to date and (assuming I don’t get any further late entries) I have chosen a winner! I’ll keep you all in suspense until we next meet at BAWA (which will be on 9th January) where the prizes will be awarded.
In the meantime here’s wishing you all a Happy New Year!!