Sunday 26th January, 2014 : It’s great when theory works in practice. Although there were strong south westerly winds and storms forecast for today,the wind direction ‘in theory’ meant it would be perfectly safe and okay to dive at Brixham Breakwater (which faces north and is thus sheltered from them).
Not having been in the sea for a while the call of the brine won out over the alternative much safer bet of jumping into a fresh water quarry once again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained – as they say.
With that in mind and having very low expectations, 5 of us got up at the crack of dawn and battled our way down the M5 with the wipers going full pelt all the way. It was both comforting and a great relief as we dropped down over the crest of Berry Head Road into the empty Brixham Breakwater Beach car park (only £2 all day this time of year to see the sea as flat as a pancake, just as the theory said it should be.
The leisurely dive brief was held in the warm, dry shelter and comfort and welcome offered by the Bistro Café amidst toasted teacakes and bacon butties, washed down with hot tea and coffee. After this the diving got under way.
Okay, I’ll be honest, the conditions were far from ideal, but at 12:30 the rain stopped and the sun shone just as the BBC weather web site said itshould do. There was visibility; not a lot, but enough. The sea was 10 degrees C; warm enough for 50+ minute dives with nobody complaining of being cold. There are always critters a plenty to be seen at Brixham and they were all there waiting for us to find them. Consequently a very good time was had by all. As was evident at the debrief also held in the Bistro café.
If you weren’t able to make this one, try not to miss the next one!
by Tim.