by Pete.
Thursday 20th February, 2014 : Wessex Archaeology representatives Graham Scott & Peta Knott will be giving a talk about the Iona II dive trail being developed with English Heritage starting at 19:30 at the Severnside BSAC Club House.
The hour talk will start off with the story of the vessel including recent historical discoveries. This will be followed by an interactive discussion about the results of the Iona II diver e-survey. During the last part of the evening, club members will be able to have their say about the dive trail including their preferred design. Draft versions of the underwater guide and website will be available for comment and samples of the waterproof paper for the guides will be available for testing. Details of some test dives on the Iona II will also be given on the night. We would encourage all divers to come along to this talk, whether or not they have dived the Iona II. Come and be part of creating the latest dive trail for a protected wreck.
Please do come along and circulate this amongst your club members and circulate to other dive clubs, all are welcome. There is no need to book.
Location details and directions can be found on the SSSAC web site, link below. Please park on the main road and walk down