by Pete. (& Nick from Severnside)
20th October, 2011 : Graham Scott of Wessex Archaeology has offered to give an illustrated talk on the history and archaeology of the Iona II
As you might know, this is a protected wreck and our club (Severnside) is one of a few to have a licence to dive it. We dived it in June on the club trip to Lundy, and carried out some surveying activities on it.
This promises to be a very interesting and informative talk and will be open to other dive clubs in the area, particularly any others that also hold a licence. It will be a great opportunity to mingle with other divers and share our knowledge and experience of this wonderful wreck. Do bring along any of your own pictures/drawings etc. if you’d like to discuss with Graham or the group.
The talk will take place at the club house on 29th November @ 19:30. There is no charge for this event, but please let me know if you are planning to attend, so I can keep track of the numbers, given that other dive clubs will also be coming along.