by Kevin, Chris H & William S.
30th December 2015 : Blow blow thou winter wind
Thou art not so unkind
As man’s ingratitude;
Thy tooth is not so keen
Because though art not seen
Although thy breath be rude
Heigh-ho dive, heigh-ho unto the green quarry
Most freindhsip is feining, most loving mere folly
Then heigh-ho, let’s go diving
This life is most jolly
Freeze freeze though bitter sky
That water does not bite so nigh
As benefits forgot;
Though thou the waters warp,
Thy dive is not so sharp
As friend remember’d not.
Heig-ho! Let’s dive
Shakespeare (his diving years)
A little something to finish off the year said Mr. H and an experience it was too! Vobster quay is located near Frome, a former quarry it has seen significant investment to become a very popular location not only when all others are blown out (such as today : the rain varied between torrential & heavy!) but also for entertaining diving & training; the website details much more :
Four brave (or senseless?) souls (Tim, Debbie, Chris H & myself) presented ourselves at 9am to grab a hot mug of tea from the extensive snack shack before embarking on our days’ activities.
Dive 1 : Tim & myself, a 46 minute excursion to the right of the quay exploring the tunnel, the crushing works, swim-throughs of the industrial drier, various pipes, aircraft fuselage & boats. Topping out at 21.5 metres we had to admit there was plenty to see – even a few fish!
Dive 2 : Chris H & Debbie, a training dive for Debbie, which she enjoyed so much they were out longer than Tim & I!
Dive 3 : Tim & myself again, this time we turned left & explored a variety of platforms, the ‘pipeworks’ , a larger boat & a lot of walls. Only 44 minutes this time & 22 metres but with a prize haul of 2 Santa hats (debris from the Vobster Santa dive), who’s to complain?
With copious teas, bacon butties & snacks consumed under flapping awnings we almost forgot we were getting as wet during the times in between our dives as on them!
With free parking (one close to the waters edge), heated changing facilities, the aforementioned catering van, cheap cylinder fills, free WiFi, marquee shelter (boy did we need it!), a fully stocked shop and a group of friends, what more could you need.
A very big thank you to Chris for managing the dive, Tim for his support & Debbie for her committment. The only question I have is When are we going back? (oh and I left my fins there so all the more reason to go back)