by Pete.
11th September, 2014 : Bath Sub-Aqua Club is holding a free lecture titled “The Naval Diver and the Technology He Uses” on Monday 15th Sept at 1930 (refreshments from 1900) on the Bath University campus (Lecture Theatre 2.3, Building 5-West.
Summary: Military divers use a wide variety of technologies to deliver expeditious and innovative operational effect from within the bounds of military safety.
In a lecture that seeks to draw together many threads of science and engineering, the Commanding Officer of the Royal Navy’s Fleet Diving Squadron will examine areas ranging from the technology of military underwater breathing equipment through the design challenges of explosive reconnaissance, Unmanned Underwater Vehicles to man-machine interfaces in the underwater environment.
These technological enablers will then be used to outline a typical military underwater bomb disposal mission.
Presenter: Commander Chris O’Flaherty RN MA MSc.
The lecture theatre holds about 100 people so there should be plenty of space to fit people in.