by Mike.
Saturday 28th August to Monday 30th August, 2010 : A very successful long weekend at Porthkerris.
Bob and Steve took the Ribcraft from Plymouth to the campsite on Thursday so it could be used at Porthkerris (& brought it back – well done them) while Laurence towed the Humber there and back; with at least two boat handlers, a Dive Leader and an Advanced Diver scheduling wasn’t an issue.
Everyone mucked in to get the boats ready for launch/recovery and getting them ready for the road at the end of each day. It really was a great team effort.
Our biggest headache was getting the boats along the potholed track and back up the steep hill behind the beach. Between me, Bob and Laurence we did it but the huge pothole at the bottom of the hill meant Laurence and I were struggling to get any momentum at the start!
Diving was a mix of boat and shore dives which meant we could utilise the boats to the maximum and lots of good dives were achieved on the Volnay, Mohegan and the Manacles.
We are very grateful to Mary for organising campsite, meals out and accounts
- Mike – All in all a very enjoyable trip.
- John -A huge thank you – too numerous to say here – for making it a great success!! But Mary & Laurence have to be i.c. weather!!
- Duncan – Also many thanks from me for the organization, great diving, great company & food (although the diet has taken a beating!). plus fantastic weather.