by Kevin.
19th September, 2015 : The great thing about being new to this diving lark is most places are new to me & its’ a whole wonderful process of discovery; this time its’ Portland – a place that feels, in part, forgotten, but all the more endearing for its’ slightly shabby nature & ‘seen better days’ looks.
The car park of the Aqua Hotel saw the four of us (Tim, Chris H, Abhi & myself) gather for the traditional morning victuals of a steaming hot mug of tea & a Full English while we planned the day.
Dive 1 : Countess of Erne: Once we found it! A very intact wreck reached after a slightly delayed start due to boat trouble. With blue(ish) skies above & calm seas we hoped for some good viz; turned out it was ok (5 metres or so) & the wreck has plenty to see: open holds to explore, lots of curious fish & a challenge from Tim to find the 3 intact loo’s ! (we found one). Very enjoyable
Dive 2 : Unknown Small Dredger: This one took us just outside the south entrance breakwater and is quite a broken up wreck amongst lots of large rocks & white sand. Viz was still a bit disappointing but it was a nice relaxed dive to finish the day. Tim didn’t dive this one – we were short on time
Lots more detail on these and other Portland Harbour dives in this divernet article, well worth a read to get a full appreciation of what it has to offer – which is a lot!
Much more on Portland in the October report – we enjoyed this weekend so much we rushed back!