by Laurence.
Sunday 31st July, 2011 : We had two club trips happening at the same time on this weekend!
The first was a hard-boat excursion with Tony Hoile & the Falcon II out of Dartmouth with Mike, Geoff, Laurence, Mary, Rhys & others getting the chance to explore the
- Middle Blackstone Pinnacles in the morning
- Dartmouth Mewstone (yes there’s more than one!) in the afternoon
Wildlife encountered included Dahlia anemones, feather stars, brittle stars, Devonshire cup-corals & a lobster, we think Geoff really enjoyed his birthday & it was all round a great day.
Meanwhile there was another group in Pembrokeshire including Tim & John who dived
- The Smalls (West side)
- Skomer (South Haven & North Wall)
- Rye Rocks
This trip also went well