A brief summary of this past weekend’s display at the South Glos Show;. We had quite a big area for the Alpha, a paddling pool, display of dive kit and a table loaded with BSAC materials
We had small artesian divers, cover the Queen’s nose (we had 1 winner!!), and various other activities that the people at the show engaged in. We promoted the club with Try dives being on offer.
I would say one of the big pluses was the paddling pool where Tim, Chris H or Sue gave the young children a regulator and a mask and they “breathed” underwater. The enthusiasm generated was electric. We had numerous people showing great interest in doing a Try dive and others planning to join the club and taking away lots of contact material.
We also raffled & gave out two Try Dive opportunities – well done to the winners!
Huge thanks to Tim, Chris H., Kevin, Chris L. and Sue for being there and enthusing and chatting to people and Kevin especially for walking around the show in full dry suit kit and handing out leaflets with the occasional dunk in the paddling pool.
A great weekend overall, our first at this show and I don’t think it’ll be our last!
Finally a few words from Tim: ‘Well done John for the inspiration, organisation and all your hard work. I think we did the club proud, put us on the map & made some kids and some families very happy and hopefully inspired some of them to follow up diving.’