West Wales (May ’18)

For some years the club has been planning a return to West Wales & this years’ Spring Bank Holiday weekend provided the perfect opportunity.  We took the alpha & camped at South Cockett camp site at Broadway to give access to either Broadhaven or Dale. Air was available at Haven Diving Services in Milford Haven and dive sites included Sheep Island, Skokholm Island & the Dakotian out of Dale.

The queue into Broadhaven

A joint report from Tim & John:
“WOW!!   Don’t know how to improve on that – OK the weather co-operated – but with Rob organising the weekend and Pete serving brilliantly as our non-diving cox for the whole weekend, we almost looked like we knew what we were doing!.” – John

The intrepid party


“A lovely couple of dives today out of Dale, Pembrokeshire on our other club boat, the Alpha. Very well done to my buddy David. His first boat dive, his first wreck dive (the Dakotian) and at 15.5m, his deepest dive to date.” – Tim

Dogfish near Havorfordwest

Dakotian wreckage

Starfish cluster


“Two more lovely dives today in Pembrokeshire. The wind was up and it was raining this morning but thankfully we missed the thunderstorms. After a very wet and splashy trip out, for the first dive we tucked into the lee side of Sheep Island. It was very nice and worth the uncomfortable trip out ☺

“For the 2nd dive we went back to the Dakotian finishing up another very nice days diving with a delicious evening team meal out in the Gallion at Broadhaven.” – Tim

Father-son encounter



“Today made up for all the bad weather, low vis and underwhelming dives I’ve had over the past few years and served as a reminder of just how wonderful UK diving can be!  What a fine and honed team we were! The plan was to meet in the car park at 8:00am. We had the boat launched by 8:30 and skimming our way over the mirror flat millpond sea under brilliant sunshine to Skokholm Island by 8:42. The Alpha went like a dream! 

Skokholm sea

The island was stunning. So beautiful and tranquil with puffins, guillemots, razorbills in abundance and inquisitive seals sunning themselves on the rocks or spying on us from the water. What a day!” – Tim

Seal & torch

“Did we have it all today.! Flat calm seas, out of the harbour early and on the dive site by 9:30, Puffins by the hundreds, seals at various times hoiking fins from us, all kinds of other seabirds – and we were the only boat there – IT WAS TERRIBLE!!”
“Meanwhile the non-divers had a brilliant trip to Skomer with Puffins Galore” – John

Birds everywhere!

“WOW what a weekend – a huge thank you to Rob for brilliant organisation and to Pete for doing such a stellar job as our non-diving cox – we all owe you one on that Thanks again!!
“And a special thanks from me to the John Clayton kitting up and ‘un-kitting crew’  (Tim, Rob and Pete) that made it possible for me to have some lovely dives.  When I go diving, the whole club is involved!” – John

Velvet crab

Having far too good a time!

“As you say John thanks to Rob for organising and towing the boat there and back and to Pete for coxing throughout. And everyone (yes even you John 🙂 ) for playing their parts in making it such a success and enjoyable experience.
I’m buzzing at just how great it was!” – Tim

And so to bed…

Thanks to Geoff & Tim for the photos & everyone for making it such a memorable weekend!