We’ve covered this a couple of times over the last few years but its’ a subject that continues to need serious focus if progress is to be made on the issue of plastic waste
The government has (finally!) launched a consultation on a proposed Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for England, Wales & Northern Ireland to consider the merits & understand the feasibility and potential benefits of passing legislation to enforce such a scheme.
A separate consultation has already been held for Scotland and you can read the results here
Deposit Return Systems – where you get cash back for returning your used drinks cans and bottles can reduce littering, increase recycling, and change behaviour.
A similar scheme in the US reduced drinks containers on US beaches by over 70%
You can read more about the the current consultation here as well as provide your responses here (Which we encourage you to do, before the closing date of 13th May, 2019) but it is important to understand and ensure the final legislation is not watered down by industry interests chasing a reduction in the potential costs that will likely be imposed on them. Both the Campaign for Rural England (CPRE) & Greenpeace have called on the Government to ensure the final legislation delivers an effective policy towards addressing the problem so when you respond ensure you highlight you want a strong DRS that covers drinks containers of all materials, sizes & materials (question 9) and all drinks (question 12).
With 5.5 billion plastic bottles going un-recycled every year in the UK alone with many finding their way into our oceans or landfill it is critical we all do our best to try to stem this wasteful (and dangerous) practice and protect our most valuable resource (the planet!) for the future!