The UKs’ prevailing South Westerly winds were unfortunately replaced with strong easterlies which is the only direction that blows out Porthkerris so our group of 8 divers & 5 partners had to come up with alternatives for our entertainment.
And the events didn’t disappoint !
Whether it be
- Tim’s cave encounter with seals in one of his many swims
- Vicki’s encounter with more jellyfish than she’s comfortable with
- Geoff & Neil’s age-defying enthusiasm for walking
- Kaths’ ad-hoc Pilates class (we should have sold spectator tickets!)
- Steve & Kevin’s west coast odyssey to find a diveable site not blown out (& accessible!)
- Colin & Jo’s very enjoyable visit to Barbara Hepworths’ house & garden in St. Ives
- The ad-hoc Caillie in Cadgwith that kicked off in the pub Vicki & Kevin were meeting friends in
- The sheer enthusiasm of Bounty our Welsh Sheepdog for water in all its forms
- Sue & Petes’ belief they had a hope of getting out of the Lands End Point car park
- Steve’s biscuit hungry robin
- The endless (mostly deserted) beaches
- The fire pit chatter with stories that will stay on tour 🙂
Just to mix things up Monday ended up completely opposite to forecast- flat calm, too late for Porthkerris Divers to retrieve the boat (low tide was midday) so the remaining 4 divers opted for a shore dive round Drawna Rocks and it was lovely!

The aforementioned Bounty the Welsh Water Dog! (& Drawna Rocks)

Our party
And it’d be remiss (on a diving site) not to include a few shots from the dive we did do so here goes!

Steve lines up a shot

Snakelocks anemone – even more beautiful swaying in the tide

Interested wrasse

Diver & kelp (not his favourite!)

Playing with the local wildlife – such fashionable dry gloves!

So tired from all the playing with those gloves!

Spiny sea star hanging on


‘You move first’, ‘no you move’, ‘I was here first’, ‘no you weren’t’…….
My thanks to everyone who helped make the best of a bad lot, we may not have done much diving but we had ourselves some fun!
We’ll be back! In fact we’ve already booked a 3 day weekend next year!