An Advanced Ocean Diver is a person who has gained further open water diving and diver rescue experience and considered ready to take part in dives partnered by other Ocean, Sports, Advanced Ocean or divers of a higher grade. As an Advanced Ocean Diver Diver you are able to undertake no-decompression dives to a maximum of 30 metres partnered with another Advanced Ocean Diver.
This grade of diver training requires a further four theory lessons (either classroom or via e-learning) with a theory assessment followed by a minimum of two open water sessions and two depth progression dives.
During the training you will
- Expand knowledge & experience using Nitrox up to 36% to extend dive time and provide a better experience
- Complete two of the Sports Diver course theory modules
- Learn how to use a compass for navigation underwater
- Undertake your open water dives to progress your depth to 25m, then 30m
- Become proficient in use of a surface marker buoy (SMB) & delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB)
- Continue to develop underwater buoyancy control
The BSAC website has a section that gives more detail on exactly what you’ll cover on the Advanced Ocean Diver course