Hi All,
I mentioned on taking over as Diving Officer I’d try to do an update to let you know what’s been happening in the club on a regular basis so here’s the first (and if I remember hopefully not the last!)
- Thursday 12th May: Cromhall – Sue organised an evening dive at our local & was ably supported by Pete, Colin & Kevin. Steve even popped along to tell us all about his Maldives trip. Visibility (in Cromhall) wasn’t the best but it was a chance for many to revive those diving muscles as well as for a nice face to face chat & catch-up
- Saturday 14th May: Plymouth – Chris H organised a trip to take the boat down to Plymouth where it will sit for the season to make it easier to get out on dives and was joined by Rob, Pete, Geoff & myself to support the endeavour & maybe do a few dives into the bargain. It was a lovely day and we each managed two nice dives on one of our old favourites, the Breakwater Fort & spotted lots of life (congers, lobsters, crabs, wrasse, nudibranchs…. the list goes on & in fact I’ve included Robs’ list in the full report available now on our website: https://aerodivers.net/2022/
05/plymouth-progression-may- 22/) - Thursday 19th May: Cromhall – Sue organised another Cromhall dip. Colin joined her
- Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd May: Pembrokeshire – Kev (oh thats me! 😉 ) organised a nice couple of days hard-boat diving with Pembrokeshire Dive Charters out of Milford Haven. The wind was a little fresh but we still did 4 dives each: 2 wrecks & 2 reefs with varying visibility, lots of crabs, congers & lobster as well as rusty metal! The skipper & 1st mate couldn’t have been more helpful & spoiled us with more tea, cake, pasties, bacon rolls etc. than was good for still fitting in our drysuits. There will be a full report any day now, well maybe over the long Jubilee weekend!
- Lee, an old hand at diving (Advanced Diver & Open Water Instructor) but out of it for a while is progressing his refresher training with the support of Sue.
- Nigel is apparently bearing up well under Tims’ tutelage as he embarks on this diving lark with the BSAC Ocean Diver course
- Colin is also progressing his Dive Leader training having covered a fair part of the syllabus with sterling support from Sue & Tim, he’s scheduled to do the Practical Rescue Management Skills Development Course in June and has O2 Admin & a few more theory & open water sessions to go.
- Kevin & Colin attended Accelerated Decompression Procedures lecture 1, that’s a mouthful so ADP, on the evening of Monday 30th. It was a very good well-balanced session & now we’ve got some homework to do before the second lecture on Thursday 2nd & a practical at Vobster on Saturday – our special way of celebrating the Jubilee 🙂
- Mondays: Don’t forget the regular Monday nights up at Badminton School where you can try out your kit, have a swim, have a chat & then repair to BAWA afterwards
- Wednesday 8th June: walk & then a pub being organised by Hazel
If you have anything for the next edition please let me know, catch you all again soon!