Hi All,
OK so we’re not monthly! perhaps something to aspire to!
Anyway check out what’s been happening in the club
Diving – Trips
Saturday 4th June: Vobster Quay – Colin & Kevin attended their Accelerated Decompression practical on a lovely, surprisingly uncrowded day at Vobster. There was pretty much an instructor or an instructor support per diver (we were 4 trainees); there was plenty of advice & tips exchanged among the group.
Tuesday 14th June: Vobster Quay – Sue & Colin popped off to the quay for some practice (on a nice quiet weekday)
Saturday 25th June: Plymouth – Kevin organised a somewhat more eventful than expected trip to kick the cobwebs out down in Plymouth. Check out the full dive report for all the excitement https://aerodivers.net/2022/
06/perilous-plymouth-jun-22/ -
Thursday 30th June: Cromhall – Colin & Kevin met for a quiet bimble around the quarry. Good to see the place so busy, not just with divers but plenty of swimmers too
Thursday 7th/Friday 8th July: Portland – Rob pulled off his long gestating trip & it sounds like it was well worth waiting for. Full report (from Rob) here https://aerodivers.net/2022/
07/portland-paradise-jul-22/ -
Thursday 21st July: Cromhall – Sue, Colin & Kevin explored the little-visited eastern wall of Cromhall quarry!
Thursday 28th July: Cromhall – Sue organised an evening visit to keep those diving muscles oiled & get in practice for Isle of Man in less than 2 weeks! Colin, Pete, Neil & Kevin joined her with several of the party exploring the western wall – for a change! There were also plenty of other divers & swimmers too: Cromhall on a Thursday evening really is the place to be!
Diving – Try Dives
- We’ve had quite a lot of interest in try-dives the last few months, particularly in July with at least 3 enquiries that may result in 5 try-dives – hopefully they’ll get hooked!
Diving – Boats
- Assault: Our larger boat was somewhat troublesome on our Plymouth trip at the end of June & we left it in Plymouth to be looked at by an engineer. I am happy to report they have discovered & repaired the fault (a split fuel diaphragm apparently) & she is now fit & well & back in the compound ready for the next hardy souls who want to take her on an adventure!
- Alpha: Happy to say our smaller boat acquitted herself very well on Robs’ trip to Portland – check out the full report above
Diving – Training
Lee, an old hand at diving (Advanced Diver & Open Water Instructor) has successfully completed his refresher training with the support of Sue.
Nigel likewise having done his pool lessons is about to embark on the Open Water aspects of the BSAC Ocean Diver course under Tims’ expert tutelage
Colin continues his Dive Leader training with support from Sue & did the Practical Rescue Management Skills Development Course in June with O2 Admin & a few more theory & open water sessions to go which may well be handled via a group organised by the BSAC South West Regional coach
Kevin & Colin attended Accelerated Decompression Procedures (ADP) lecture 2, on the evening of Thursday 2nd June before finishing things off with a couple of dives at Vobster Quay on Saturday 4th June. Qualifications gained with this course are not only ADP but also Advanced Twinset Diver & we also covered Primary Donate – there’s no stopping us now!
Mondays: Don’t forget the regular Monday nights up at Badminton School where you can try out your kit, have a swim, have a chat & then repair to BAWA afterwards
Walk/Pub: The walk & then a pub (or walk to a pub 🙂 ) organised by Hazel in early June seems to have gone down very well with over 10 people attending so there could well be more!
Pirate Golf event at the end of July has unfortunately had to be postponed
If you have anything for the next edition please let me know, catch you all again soon!