Adorable Azores! (Jul 2015)
From John & Geoff: Geoff, Teresa, Jan, her sister (Tricia) & I flew from Bristol to the Azores by way of Lisbon but only to change planes on the way…
From John & Geoff: Geoff, Teresa, Jan, her sister (Tricia) & I flew from Bristol to the Azores by way of Lisbon but only to change planes on the way…
by Kevin. A brief list of all the 2015 SCUBA diving we have done; Boy have we been busy! Wednesday 30th December: Vobster quay – Training & Fun (Tim, Kevin, Debbie,…
by Kevin, Chris H & William S. 30th December 2015 : Blow blow thou winter wind Thou art not so unkind As man’s ingratitude; Thy tooth is not so keen Because…
by Kevin. 21st – 22nd November, 2015 : The stories of the awful weather experienced by those brave souls who embarked on Topgun last November didn’t seem to dissuade take-up…
by Kevin. 10th October, 2015 :The weather report for the Portland trip had been improving all week but as Rich & I drove past Chesil beach, the harbour looked decidedly…
by Kevin. 19th September, 2015 : The great thing about being new to this diving lark is most places are new to me & its’ a whole wonderful process of…
by Laurence. 14th – 16th August, 2014 : Lundy beckoned and so we (Bob, Geoff, Mary & myself) gathered on the quay by the lock at the end of the…
by Kevin. Thursday 30th July : Friday is a blue moon folks, second full moon this month so to celebrate this and also Bobs’ return we had an evening of diving and BBQ-ing…
by Kevin. 26th – 29th June :Yn chiuney smoo erbee geay jiass sniessey jee – “The greater the calm the nearer the south wind.” – old Isle of Man proverb An…
by Kevin. 13th June, 2015 : “We few, We happy few” ‘Well not quite as dramatic as Shakespeare might have put it (Henry V act 4 scene 3) but a few…